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Tag "discussions"

Illustration for news: Media Image of a Person with a Disability in Modern Russian Media

Media Image of a Person with a Disability in Modern Russian Media

Olga Verbilovich and Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova presented on May 27, 2021 at the round table 'Media image of a person with a disability in modern Russian media,' organized by ANO "Center for Social Projects 'MIX.'

Illustration for news: Modernizing Welfare in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States: Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, and Agency

Modernizing Welfare in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States: Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, and Agency

A panel session on “Modernizing Welfare in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States: Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, and Agency” was successfully organized and held by the International Laboratory of Social Integration Studies (ILSIS) at the XXII April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development to be held on 21 April, 2021 via Microsoft Team Platform in order to interact with presenters and participants from different parts of the world.

Illustration for news: Critical Conversations in Russian Studies: Promoting Inclusion and Appreciating Diversity in Today's Russia: Global Trends and Local Realities

Critical Conversations in Russian Studies: Promoting Inclusion and Appreciating Diversity in Today's Russia: Global Trends and Local Realities

16 April 2021. The joint seminar of IL SIR and Hamilton Lugar School of International and Global Studies at the Indiana University at Bloomington took place in zoom.

Inclusion in a Modern Town: How to Make it Work

Inclusion is becoming more and more popular in society - both as a philosophical concept and as a way of working with communities, as a norm of a new ethics. This term is heard by everyone, but it is not always perceived in the same way by different participants in the process - people with disabilities, public organizers, administrators. On December 10 and 11, 2020, the OMK-Uchastiye Charitable Foundation, which specializes in the development of inclusive culture in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region, held an online conference “Inclusion in a modern small town: how to make it work?”.

Sociological Researches of Inclusive Education: What Can They Offer Parents of Children with Disabilities?

On May 1, 2020, the international webinar of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research was held together with the “Autism. Regions” association and the “Vykhod” Foundation for parents, teachers and researchers from different regions of  Russia, as well as from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Disability Category in the Public Sphere (March 24, 2020)

On March 24, 2020, a joint seminar was held at the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research and the Department of General Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Higher School of Economics. Volha Verbilovich, Master of Sociology and Lecturer for the School of Media, presented a report on her dissertation entitled “Disability Category in the Public Sphere”, which performed under the guidance of the Head of the Laboratory, PhD, professor of the Department of General Sociology E.R. Iarskaya-Smirnova.