More than 400 observers and practitioners took part in the IV International Scientific Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of possibilities"
The IV International Scientific Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of possibilities" has recently concluded. This year, 17 sections and a round table meeting were organized, which brought together more than 400 participants interested in the study and development of socio-cultural integration from different countries and regions of Russia.

Roman Abramov held an open lecture and seminar at the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka"
On July 27, 2024 Roman Abramov, professor, a leading researcher at our laboratory, gave an open lecture on the topic "Imagination about society and social order in science fiction". The lecture was organized as part of the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka".

The organizers of the More Stories project, ANO Evolution and Philanthropy, expressed gratitude to the IL SIR team for their assistance and support in conducting a joint study
The study was conducted as part of a joint project with the program of professionally organized individual mentoring for children and adolescents in Russia “Big Brothers Big Sisters”.

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Daria Prisyazhniuk took part in the meeting of the Interdepartmental Strategic Project-Analytical Session dedicated to the development of an evidence-based approach in the social sphere
On June 27, 2024, Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Daria Prisyazhniuk took part in the meeting of the Interdepartmental Strategic Project and Analytical Session “Evidence-Based Social Policy: Implementation of an Evidence-Based Approach at the Federal Level and Conditions for Effective Replication of Practices”.

Proposals for participation in the ILSIR conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities" are accepted until July 14!
Interaction between doctors and parents of children with special needs: results of the quantitative phase of the study
On June 11, 2024 the seminar "Interaction between doctors and parents of children with special needs: regulations and experience of informing" was held, which was attended by members of the ILSIR research project and experts from the Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy, a partner organization, and the Coordinating Council working group. The report of the laboratory staff and the subsequent discussion with experts were devoted to the first results of the quantitative stage of the research on the experience of implementing a protocol for reporting the diagnosis in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.

"GES-2" and IL SIR opened a conference dedicated to the study of the deaf community
On May 31, 2024, the opening of the Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference “Exploring the Deaf Community” took place at the GES-2 House of Culture, bringing together scientists and practitioners from more than 10 countries.
Elizaveta Zyryanova and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a conference at the European Humanities University in Vilnius
On May 24, 2024 the conference «Studying Gender, Family and Love During the Crises» was held at the European Humanities University in Vilnius.

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a discussion on the representation of disability in cinema
On April 27, 2024, a film discussion was held on the problems of representation of people with disabilities. The event was held within the framework of a two-day festival prepared by the team of the GES-2 House of Culture and representatives of the International Disability Film Festival "Breaking down barriers".

The Laboratory staff held a section within the framework of the Grushin Sociological Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy Valentina Iarskaia-Smirnova
Last week the XIV Grushin Sociological Conference “Metamorphoses of Society and the Research Industry: New Challenges” took place, within the framework of which on April 12 our laboratory held the section “Space and Time of Social Change”.