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Comparative analysis of global welfare regimes using a model family approach

Description of project

1. Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 - Preparation phase: The project will host online seminars for co-investigators to get to know others and the social assistance systems in other countries. Each co-investigator will be invited to deliver one presentation over this year, and attendance in other investigators' presentations is optional. During this period, we will also have more communication/discussion to confirm the data collection plan.
2. Late 2023 or early 2024 (there will be flexibility) - Data collection phase: Model family data collection.


To investigate welfare contexts and welfare benefit characteristics in Russia and East Asian countries:

A micro-perspective based on income-packaging

  •  by employing a new source of primary data: Mode family to capture welfare bundles, with an emphasis on social assistance systems
  •  by utilizing the recent data 
  •  by adopting a new way of aggregating welfare features using regression analyses for model family data


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