Like any major academic institution, the Higher School of Economics offers teaching in both traditional educational programmes and various shorter formats. The Summer University which began two years ago and gives students from other universities the chance to attend additional courses during the summer vacation, falls into the second category. It provides opportunities to study with particular professors and helps students decide how to pursue their academic interests in the future.
Tag "international students"
Since 2013, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has cooperated with HSE. This year, a record number of scholarship places will be available for German students to study in HSE short-term programmes through the Go East initiative.
From July 27 to August 1, fifteen international students from the USA, China, Germany, Switzerland and Norway visited HSE – St.Petersburg as part of HSE Summer University programme.
From July 4 to 25, the HSE Summer University welcomed thirty Korean students from the Seoul National University who had come to study Russian and learn more about modern life in Russia as part of SNU’s programme in Moscow.
On June 20, HSE Summer University classes began. In comparison with last year, the university has seen an increase both in the number of participants and in the diversity of courses offered.
We are delighted to announce 25 scholarships for students from Germany who wish to enroll in HSE Moscow’s Summer University and HSE-St. Petersburg’s Summer School this year, as part of the DAAD programme Go East.