HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking
HSE is among the leaders in 8 out of 35 indicators in the latest U-Multirank ranking, including student mobility, graduate entrepreneurial activity, and income from continuous professional development.
HSE Among the Leaders in Project 5-100
HSE has become one of three Russian universities to receive maximum points for the implementation of the Russian Academic Excellence Project. These results were announced following a meeting of the Council on Enhancing the Competitiveness of Leading Russian Universities among the Global Rresearch and Education Centres.
HSE Enters 13 QS Subject Rankings
The Higher School of Economics has made it onto 13 subject and two broader subject rankings in the QS World University Ranking thanks to the university’s achievements as part of the 5-100 Project. In addition, HSE was in the top 100 ranking for three areas – Economics and Econometrics, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology – and it was the only Russian school in the Accounting & Finance 101-150 ranking. As for total number of subject area rankings, HSE was third in Russia after only Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.
Two HSE Faculties among Those Most Sought after by Russian Employers
HSE’s Faculty of Business and Management and Faculty of Economic Sciences were in the top three of the faculties most sought after by employers in Russia.
Registration Opens for Optional Courses Starting in Second Half of 2016/17 Academic Year
From December 1 to 20, registration will be held for HSE’s Open Optional Courses, slated to start in the second half of the 2016/2017 academic year. Per tradition, these courses will be free of charge and open not only to HSE students, but also anybody interested in expanding their knowledge.
HSE among Seven Russian Universities in QS Graduate Employability Rankings
The new QS Graduate Employability Rankings reflects the relation between a university’s activities and graduate employment. HSE placed in 201+ group.
HSE Enters Top 10 Universities by Number of Online Courses on Coursera
As of today, HSE offers 46 courses on Coursera, an international online education platform, and one third of them are English-taught. This means that HSE is one of the Top 10 universities by the number of online courses offered on that platform.
HSE One of Four Russian Universities in THE Top-100 Subject Rankings
Higher School of Economics (HSE) is the sole Russian academic institution to appear on the ranking’s Top-100 for ‘Business and Economics’, holding the 83rd spot.
HSE Among 8 Russian Universities on THE Top-500
According to the Times Higher Education (THE) world university ranking, Higher School of Economics (HSE) entered its 401-500 range out of 980 institutions of higher learning throughout the world in 2016. In particular, HSE ranked No. 4 among the Russian universities on THE.
HSE Improves its Standing in QS Under 50 Ranking
Higher School of Economics (HSE) has improved its position in the QS ranking for universities that have been in operation for less than 50 years (Under 50). HSE now stands in the 51-60 range, moving up from the 81-90 group.