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Illustration for news: Sergey Pekarski Elected New Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences

Sergey Pekarski Elected New Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences

The HSE Academic Council announced that Sergey Pekarski, Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics, will take over as  Dean of Faculty from Oleg Zamulin, who will join Sberbank’s Centre of Macroeconomic Research as Director. Professor Zamulin will retain his position of  professor at the faculty and continue teaching.

Illustration for news: How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE

How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE

HSE offers several scholarships that allow international students to cover part of their tuition fees in both undergraduate and graduate programmes. Scholarships are offered as a tuition discount for international students and take effect at the time of their enrolment in HSE. The scholarships are granted for the full period of studies.

Illustration for news: HSE Rises 50 Places in THE Social Sciences Ranking and Maintains Position in Business and Economics

HSE Rises 50 Places in THE Social Sciences Ranking and Maintains Position in Business and Economics

HSE has improved its position in two Times Higher Education (THE) rankings compared to last year. The university demonstrated the greatest growth in the Social Sciences category, rising from the 175-200 group to 126-150. Additionally, HSE improved within the 101-125 group of the Business and Economics ranking.

Illustration for news: HSE Comes in 37th in QS BRICS Ranking

HSE Comes in 37th in QS BRICS Ranking

Academic excellence projects, similar to Russia’s Project 5-100, are common in many countries, but BRICS countries typically have the largest number of universities participating in such projects. That is perhaps why the ranking of the top universities in the five BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – prepared by the QS ranking agency is of particular interest. For two years in a row, 10 Russian universities have been steadily entering the top 50 of this ranking. This time, HSE has taken 37th place, improving its result on last year.


International students have been enrolled in HSE undergraduate and graduate programmes this academic year. About 800 people will study on Russian government scholarships while the rest will pay tuition fees. Compared to last year, the number of international students among first-year fee-paying students has increased by about 80%.

Illustration for news: Six New Things to See on HSE Day 2018

Six New Things to See on HSE Day 2018

HSE Day is an annual event that never fails to surprise guests with something new. Below is a list of six new themed events to be featured at this year’s festival in Gorky Park on September 13.

Illustration for news: HSE Day For Everyone

HSE Day For Everyone

On September 13, the annual HSE Day will take place in Gorky Park. This is an exciting event, open to people of all ages and backgrounds. Every year, the choice of activities becomes longer and longer. Find out here what’s on offer – there’s something for everyone.

HSE Joins ARWU Top-100 in Two Subject Areas

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has entered the Top-100 in Sociology and Mathematics of the Shanghai Ranking. It is also now the leader on this ranking among Russian universities in Economics, Political Science and Management.

Illustration for news: New Registration Rules Now in Place for Foreign Citizens in Russia

New Registration Rules Now in Place for Foreign Citizens in Russia

On July 8, amendments to Russian migration legislation regulating the registration of foreign citizens coming to the Russian Federation came into effect. They concern, in particular, HSE’s international employees and students. The most important change: you now must be registered at the place where you actually live.

Illustration for news: How It Was: Graduation 2018

How It Was: Graduation 2018

The theme of this year’s HSE graduation party, which was held at Moscow’s Izvestia Hall, was ‘Bond’. Party-goers enjoyed espionage contests, British humor and, of course, plenty of music.