
Archaeological excavations and an archaeological school in Agrigento, Italy 2021
Archaeological excavations of the expedition conducted by the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, HSE University, were held in the city of Agrigento, on Sicily. The Second Archaeological School, which was based on that expedition, took place from the 4th to the 25th of September, 2021.

Dr Arkadiy Avdokhin secures funding for a major joint Russian-Austrian research project
On 26 March 2021, it was announced that Dr Arkadiy Avdokhin, Associate Professor at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Senior research fellow at the Centre for Medieval Studies, HSE University, was successful in his application for a research grant to fund a 4-year Russian-Austrian project on pilgrims’ inscriptions in Byzantium and Old Rus’. The project has received funding from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Austrian science fund (FWF Der Wissensсhaftsfond).

International seminar “Bosporos and Northern Colchis”
On the 5th of December 2020 took place the International online seminar “Bosporus and the Northern Colchis. Greek colonies in a non‑Greek surrounding: dynamics of interaction of differently organized societies”, which was attended by participants from Russia, Georgia and Romania. The project was carried out under the direction of A.I. Ivantchik with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation.

Migrations of Ancient Societies: Les migrations en discussion
On the 23rd of October 2020, Valentina Mordvintseva and Jean‑Paul Demoule delivered lectures during the discussion «Les Migrations en discussion» («Migrations in a discussion») in the series of online‑seminars «Géographie historique et géoarchéologie» («Historical Geography and Geo‑archaeology») of the l’École normale supérieure, Paris organized by Prof. Anca Dan.