
Eurasian Lectures in German Archaeological Institute
Dr. Valentina Mordvintseva gave a lecture ‘The Sarmatian Archaeological Culture: The Network Model vs. Speculative’ in a series of on‑line lectures of the Eurasian Department of German Archaeological Institute.
The Earliest Cat on the Northern Silk Road
Associate Professor Irina Arzhantseva and Professor Heinrich Haerke from the HSE Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology (Faculty of Humanities) have been involved in the discovery of the earliest domestic cat yet found in northern Eurasia. The study has been published in Scientific Reports journal.

Shedding Light on Mysteries of the Past
Michele Minardi, from Italy, holds a PhD in Archaeology from Sydney University and has spent a number of years in investigating Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan. He has recently joined the team of Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology of the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies as a Research Fellow. We spoke with Michele about his projects, teaching methods and expedition plans.

Burials of Scythian Kings: Herodotus and Archaeology — Lecture by Askold Ivantchik at the Innsbruck University (Austria)
On December 4, 2019, at the invitation of Dr. Walter Kuntner, Askold Ivantchik, head of the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology, IOCS HSE, gave a lecture “Burials of Scythian Kings: Herodotus and Archaeology” at the University of Innsbruck (Austria).

Celebration of the Centenary of the International Union of Academies in Paris: Askold Ivantchik, Vice‑President of the Union—one of the organizers of the event
From 22 to 29 November, Paris hosted the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the International Union of Academies (Union académique international, UAI–IUA)—the most prestigious international organization in the humanities and social sciences. The head of the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology, IOCS HSE, Askold Ivantchik, elected two years ago Vice‑President of the International Union of Academies, took an active part in its preparation and holding.

“Alexander and Alexanders”: Prof. Askold Ivantchik in Kazan Federal University
From November 18 till December 2, 2019, Kazan Federal University hosted the scientific and educational festival “Alexander‑Fest” dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the University. Head of the Center of Classical and Oriental Archaeology, IOCS HSE, Askold Ivantchik gave an opening lecture for the students of the Higher School of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage of Kazan Federal University.

‘The Sense of Doing Something New Appeals to Me’
Professor Heinrich Haerke, a renowned archaeology expert, has been cooperating with HSE University researchers for a long time. This year he has joined HSE as a Professor at the recently formed Centre for Classical and Oriental Archaeology. He has talked to HSE News Service about his research interests, field projects, and teaching archaeology.

How to Teach Classical Archaeology — Talk by Askold Ivantchik in Phanagoria
International conference “Ancient Heritage of Kuban” took place on November 5–7, 2019 at the Phanagoria Museum‑Reserve (Sennoi of the Krasnodar region). The conference was attended by researchers from Russia, Germany and France. The head of the Center of Classical and Oriental Archaeology, IOCS HSE, Askold Ivantchik gave a talk on “Problems of Teaching Classical Archaeology: To What and How to Train Archaeologists-Classicists”.

Faussaires et marchands d’antiquités au sud de l’Empire russe (fin du XIXe et début du XXe s.) — lecture by Askold Ivantchik at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
On October 15, 2019, at the invitation of Professor Nathan Badoud, the head of the Centre for Classical and Oriental Archaeology Askold Ivantchik gave a lecture on “Faussaires et marchands d’antiquités au sud de l’Empire russe (fin du XIXe et début du XXe s.)” at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.