Representatives of School of business informatics have taken part in the 29th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation
For a number of years the School of business informatics participates in the autumn activities of the Danube-Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing which are held under umbrella of annual DAAAM Week event on the basis of the oldest European higher education institutions such as Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria, and the University of Zadar, Croatia.
Intensive course on big data analytics delivered by Visiting professor Andreas Rauber
During the period from March 13 to 30б 2017, School of business informatics conducted an intensive course on big data analytics delivered by Visiting professor Andreas Rauber from Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Faculty of informatics at Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universität Wien, TU Wien).
Russian-French Workshop Big Data and Solutions Based on It
On December 2nd Russian-French workshop “Big data and solutions based on it” took place in Higher School of Economics (HSE) National Research University and had over 50 participants from leading universities and companies from all over Russian Federation and France. The workshop was held by HSE School of Business Informatics with the support of French Embassy.