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Practical Training

Practical training is a form of educational activity during studies under a given degree programme, with learners completing certain types of tasks, related to their future professional activities and aimed at building, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies specific to the respective degree programme. The goals and objectives of practical training shall be attained through the implementation of element of practical training (PTEs).
Practical training for HSE University students shall be implemented as part of the «Internship» module under a degree programme curriculum.

The procedure for organizing and conducting practical training of HSE students is regulated by the Regulations on the Practical Training of Students of the Educational Programmes of Higher Education – Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's programmes of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics».

 Elements of practical training of the programme Critical Media Studies are  Research Seminar, Term Paper, Graduation Thesis, Project Seminar, Projects, Work Experience Internship.

Term Paper and Graduation Thesis

Term papers are aimed at consolidating knowledge and competencies acquired by students during theoretical and practical classes, fostering the skill of independent research on the selected topic, and developing capabilities for analysis, research, project activities and information processing.
During the first year of study, Students work on their Term Papers, which count as their Research Proposals.

Graduation Thesis (Master’s Thesis) is an independent research project prepared by students. Master’s Thesis is a culmination of graduate study, its formal final product.
Master’s Thesis provides an opportunity for Students to plan, complete, interpret, and report research. Students work on their Master’s theses during two years of their Master’s study.
A thesis is a mandatory component of each degree programme, and thesis defence is a mandatory part of the Final State Certification (FSC).

Requirements Guide For Term Paper and Master’s Thesis Preparation


Projects are independent organized activities of students aimed at finding solutions to a practical or theoretically significant problem.
The total amount of credits for projects for the entire period of study must be at least 3 credits.
A student can choose a project at the HSE Project Fair («Ярмарка проектов») or find it on their own.
To get credits for compleated project please upload signed assessment record sheet by the link.
Recommended  PTE Report's Template Form and Structure.
Recommended template of PTE Assessment Record Sheet.

Work Experience Internship

For 2023's First-year students the internship will be held in the period from 01/07/2024 until 28/07/2024.
For 2024's First-year students the internship will be held in the period from 01/07/2025 until 28/07/2025.
The examinations will be held in the 1st module of the 2nd year.
You may direct your questions regarding the internship to Elena S. Shostakovskaya, manager of the "Practical and Project Activity Centre of the Institute of Media".

To leave the request for internship , please fill in the form by the link.

Please find the more detailed information about the HSE University’s Student Internships in the HSE Academic Handbook by the link.