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On Campus

Illustration for news: Sports at HSE University on Pokrovka

Sports at HSE University on Pokrovka

Recreation for HSE students and staff

Illustration for news: Faculty of Economic Sciences welcomes exchange and visiting students of Spring 2020!

Faculty of Economic Sciences welcomes exchange and visiting students of Spring 2020!

Welcome on board!

The Moscow-based Faculty of Economic Sciences at the HSE University, a highly selective educational institution specializing in economics and finance, invites undergraduate and Master's-level students to experience study abroad in the modern and dynamically developing National Research University - Higher School of Economics. The Faculty of Economic Sciences offers a wide variety of courses in English

Illustration for news: New Registration Rules Now in Place for Foreign Citizens in Russia

New Registration Rules Now in Place for Foreign Citizens in Russia

On July 8, amendments to Russian migration legislation regulating the registration of foreign citizens coming to the Russian Federation came into effect. They concern, in particular, HSE’s international employees and students. The most important change: you now must be registered at the place where you actually live.

Illustration for news: Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards

Time to Nominate: 9th HSE Alumni Awards

The 2017 HSE Alumni Awards will shortly be open for nominations. The awards were founded in 2007 to recognise HSE graduates who have achieved professional success in the corporate sphere or their own businesses. Over the years, the winners have included Maxim Oreshkin, Russian Minister of Economic Development, Ilya Azar and Tonia Samsonova, journalists, Ksenia Mokrushina, Director of the Centre of Urban Studies at Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, and Vladimir Potapov, CEO at VTB Capital, among others.

Bank Cards for State Scholarship Students

HSE has started distributing bank cards to its first-year students. If you are an international student on a Russian govenment scholarship (quota) you are eligible for such a card. On September 22, the first scholarships will be transferred via these cards. The schedule for the distribution of bank cards is presented below.

Illustration for news: New HSE Student Council Representatives Aim to Bridge Communication Gap for International Students

New HSE Student Council Representatives Aim to Bridge Communication Gap for International Students

In May 2017, representatives of the International Students’ Association Council were elected to the HSE Student Council for the first time. They will serve until February 2018 when a new election will take place. The International Student Association Council (or International Student Council for short) currently consists of five students from CIS and Baltic countries, and three students from other countries.

Spring Student Project Contest Commences

Each year HSE holds the Student Project Contest, which allows projects deemed important for the development of the university at least and all of society at most to receive financial, organisational, or any other type of support to help them succeed.

Illustration for news: ‘HSE Programme Is Special Because It Offers a Unique Teaching Style’

‘HSE Programme Is Special Because It Offers a Unique Teaching Style’

Lijia Lin is a first-year student in the English-taught Strategic Corporate Finance Master’s Programme at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. He was born and raised in Beijing and, after finishing high school, studied economics and mathematics at the University of Michigan in the United States. When Lijia Lin graduated in December 2015, his advisor suggested that he continued his education at the Higher School of Economics.

HSE E-mail for Students

At the end of August, all freshly enrolled HSE students will get HSE e-mail addresses. They will be able to get their addresses at their initial meetings with programme office staff*. We’d like to inform you more about the opportunities that come along with HSE e-mail.