Academic Committee
Academic Committee is a collegial body that manages an educational programme. The Committee makes decisions related to programme contents and implementation. The Committee determines the curricula and approves disciplines’ syllabi, as well as the list of topics for term and graduate papers, and the programmes for final state exams.
Vladimir ChizhikovProfessor
Мельник Иван ОлеговичVisiting Lecturer
Артюхов Сергей ВладимировичDivision Director, SberTech
Епифанов Максим АлександровичHead of Marketing of IT Professions, Yandex
Макевнин Борис СергеевичDirector of Digitalization and Information Technologies, PJSC "T+"
Петров Станислав ЮрьевичHead of User Experience and Interfaces, PJSC Megafon
Elizaveta PshenitsynaHead of Premium Services Customer Experience, Alfa-Bank PJSC
Рябцев Валентин НиколаевичManaging Director of e-commerce, Sberbank PJSC
Гаврилец Филипп ГлебовичРуководитель академии лидерства, СберУниверситет
Охотинский Никита ЮрьевичСтарший комьюнити-менеджер, менеджер специальных проектов, стриминговый сервис WASD