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Practical Training

Practical training is a form of educational activity during studies under a given degree programme, with learners completing certain types of tasks, related to their future professional activities and aimed at building, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies specific to the respective degree programme. The goals and objectives of practical training shall be attained through the implementation of practical training elements (PTEs). Practical training for HSE University students shall be implemented as part of the “Internship” module under a DP curriculum.

The procedures for the organization and holding of PTEs for degree students at HSE University are governed by Regulations on Practical Training of Students under Core Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Programmes at HSE University (hereafter - Regulations).

The Internship Programme includes descriptions of the degree programme’s curricular elements, organized as practical training and grouped under the “Internship” module of the curriculum.

Internship Programme 23/24 

The Internship Programme 22/23 

 General Information on PTEs 


Internship type



Total credit units and hours per student






5 (190) for year 1, 2 (76) for year 2

Modules 1-4 (year 1), modules 1-3 (year 2)



 Thesis writing*


13 (494)

During the 2023/2024 academic year. Deadline for uploading the final version of thesis in VLIS - May 15 2024 22:59

*Master's Thesis defence is a compulsory part of the Final State Certification

Important Deadlines 


Deadline for approving a student’s assignment

Deadline for submitting an interim draft / report

Deadline for submitting a final draft / report


No later than the official start of the internship

To be determined by project head

No later than the 1st day of the exam week of the corresponding module (1st year: 21.06.2024; 2nd year: 25.03.2024)

Master's Thesis

By December 15

To be determined by thesis supervisor

15.05.2024 22:59


An obligatory element of the curriculum for graduate students of all years of study is the Project, which includes project work, accompanied by a research project seminar, as well as by writing thesis. Projects bring together undergraduate and graduate students from different years of study working on similar topics. 

The organization of project work at the faculty and FES Projects website support is carried out by the project office.

Email: fes-projects@hse.ru

More information on FES project work at the link: Project Work of FES Students

Master's Thesis 

Thesis works for the Economics and Economic Policy Master’s programme should be written as per the Methodological Guidelines for Theses under the Economics and Economic Policy programme.

Guidelines for Writing Thesis Works for Students in the “Economics and Economic Policy” Master’s Programme 

Methodological Guidelines for the Use and the Assessment of Use of Automated Content Generation Algorithms for Preparing Theses by Students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at HSE University 

 Selecting a Thesis Topic

A special module in VLIS is used to select thesis topics, where students should submit applications. Learners have the option of putting forward their own topic proposals. All applications from learners are accumulated in the personal account of supervisors in a special VLIS module, where they are either approved or rejected (if the latter, specific reasons are provided). With the supervisor’s approval, thesis topics are then approved by the programme’s academic supervisor. Each student should decide on a thesis topic by November 20, 2023 (a topic will be considered selected once it has been approved by a thesis supervisor and the academic supervisor in the respective VLIS module).

Changing thesis topic and supervisor
Thesis supervisors may be replaced if a student files a request via VLIS by March 15, 2024. Furthermore, thesis topics may be amended prior to April 15, 2024, by submitting a request via the special VLIS module. Changing a thesis supervisor/topic is also subject to the approval of the thesis supervisor and the programme’s academic supervisor in a special VLIS module.

Submitting final versions of thesis works
The criteria for the composition of thesis works, as well as templates for title pages and feedback, can be found in the Procedure for Writing Theses and Term Pares at HSE University (refer to Annex 8 to Regulations on Practical Training of Students under Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Degree Programmes).

Deadline for uploading thesis works into VLIS: 22:59, May 15, 2024

Uploading Guide (available in Russian only) 

A hard copy of thesis works does not need to be submitted.

Checking for plagiarism
Thesis works are subject to reviews for plagiarism in line with Regulations on Checking Student Papers for Plagiarism and the Publication of Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Theses on the HSE Corporate Website

In cases of violation of academic norms, students may be subject to disciplinary sanctions (including expulsion), in line with the Procedure for Taking Disciplinary Actions against Students (refer to Annex 1 to Student Internal Regulations at HSE University).