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Research & Expertise

Illustration for news: HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

Upon successfully defending his dissertation before HSE Dissertation Council in Computer Science, Pavel Dvurechensky became the first Doctor of Computer Science in Russia. This was possible thanks to the fact that, starting in 2018, HSE University received the right to award its own academic degrees.

Illustration for news: ‘Conducting Research Is an Opportunity to Change the World for the Better’

‘Conducting Research Is an Opportunity to Change the World for the Better’

Fedor Kluev, a student first-year student in the Bachelor’s programme in Chemistry at HSE University, was the only first-year undergraduate student to win a prize in this year’s Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC). He began working with his academic supervisor, Denis Chusov, when he was still in high school. In an interview with the HSE News Service, Fedor talked about his research, the role of science in human life, and the importance of popularising science.

Illustration for news: Quantifying the Power of the Word: HSE Students and Scholars to Study Poetic Texts Using Computer Methods

Quantifying the Power of the Word: HSE Students and Scholars to Study Poetic Texts Using Computer Methods

The Faculty of Humanities is switching to project-based research and teaching, which includes many new collaborative research endeavours. Professor Evgeny Kazartsev, who recently became the head of the HSE School of Philological Studies, told the HSE News Service about Computer Methods for Literary Textual Analysis project.

Illustration for news: HSE Launches New International Laboratories

HSE Launches New International Laboratories

For ten years now, HSE has been holding an annual grant competition for researchers who wish to start new international laboratories at HSE in collaboration with leading foreign scholars and scientists. The most recent competition reached its conclusion this past November, and now some of the selected proposed labs have already begun operation. Who are the competition winners and what kind of research will they be doing?

Illustration for news: HSE Advocates for Environmental Transparency

HSE Advocates for Environmental Transparency

More than 40% of Russian citizens consider changing their place of residence due to environmental problems. This was a statistic cited by Lyaila Sinyatullina, Head of the Department of Advanced Studies at HSE University’s Institute for Public Administration and Governance, at a roundtable dedicated to an environmental information bill that will be reviewed by the Russian State Duma.

HSE Will Confer its Own Degrees

A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Illustration for news: HSE Success in Research Performance Rankings in 8 Subject Areas

HSE Success in Research Performance Rankings in 8 Subject Areas

HSE has been ranked one of the top 15 universities by research performance in 8 subject areas, compiled by the Expert Analytical Centre in 2016. HSE took the first place in three subjects: Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities.