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Programme Overview

This dual Master’s degree programme in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia from HSE and Kyung Hee University is ideally suited for those that would like to supplement their specialization with knowledge of business management, law, ethics, and international relations in East Asia with due regard for local specifics. It is designed for those that plan to build their future careers relating to East Asian countries in Russian or international companies, start their own business in their own country or abroad, or excel in politics or public administration.

The program is founded on the best academic traditions of Russia and the world for preparing Master’s candidates and gives graduates competitive advantages in the labour market. The program enlists the best teaching staff, as well as bright specialists and practitioners, who enrich the learning process by using their own personal examples and business cases.

Main Advantages of the Program

Leading professors from Russia and abroad

with qualifications meeting high international selection criteria.

Academic curricula and program disciplines,

which have been developed in accordance with international standards.

The second and third semester spent at Kyung Hee University,

which aim at an in-depth study of the economic, political, legal, and socio-cultural landscape of China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan, as well as of international relations and the particularities of conducting business in these countries.

Studying in English,

which gives students the opportunity not only to communicate freely in an international academic community, but also to perfect existing skills of academic writing, as well as public speaking in the English language. In addition, this mode of study helps broaden one's horizons and go beyond a university education in a single country.

Studying a second foreign language

Chinese, Korean, or Japanese (at the student’s choice) - which enables graduates to communicate effectively in business contexts with representatives from businesses or government bodies in East Asian countries and work successfully in cross-cultural teams.

Project-format of coursework and graduate qualification work,

which are carried out using the materials of international and Russian companies that work with partners from Asian countries.       

Contemporary methods of study,

including the newest textbooks and training manuals from Korea, China, Japan, Russia, the USA, and European countries. Availability of University library. Access to vast informational and educational databases, subscriptions, and electronic libraries from two of the largest universities.


at leading Russian and international companies located in Russia, Korea, China, and Japan, as well as at research institutions and government agencies.


among graduates and students of partner schools of the Master's program; there are many foreign students from China, Korea, and Japan who are building successful careers.