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Final Assessment

HSE Bylaws:

2. Guidelines for the preparation, evaluation and defence of Master's theses for students of the Master's Program "Financial Analyst" at HSE Banking Institute

Useful links:


HSE Directives:

Directive on Final State Certification of students of Master's Program "Financial Analyst" in 2021

Annex to the Directive on Final State Certification of students of Master's Program "Financial Analyst" in 2021

Directive on State Examination Board of Master's Program "Financial Analyst" and its Executive Secretary in 2021

 [1] If plagiarism is detected, HSE’s ‘Regulations for Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Academic Norms in Writing Academic Assignments’, which is Appendix 7 to the University’s Internal Regulations, shall be applied.

More information at  HSE Academic Handbook

Appealing the FSC Results

A student is entitled to submit appeals to the Appeals committee in the form of a motivated application made in writing not later than one day after the results annousement.
An appeal may be submitted in the case of violation of established procedure. 
More information at HSE Academic Handbook

Directive on Appeals Committee Members of Master's Program "Financial Analyst" in 2021


Post-graduation Leave

A student may be granted an official vacation (post-graduation leave) after passing the Final State Certification. The duration of a leave shall be determined according to the HSE Academic Calendar.
The duration of a leave in 2022 is from July 01 to August 12.
A student can apply for post-graduation leave by submitting a request addressed to the HSE Rector before the start of the Final State Certification process - before June 4, 2022. The application should be submitted through the Unified Personal Account (https://lk.hse.ru/). Please find the instructions following the link.
More information at HSE Academic Handbook