"Previous Background is What Matters Least”: ICEF Open Day Welcomes Prospective Master’s Students
At MSc Financial Economics Open Day, prospective applicants were able to learn more about how the programme sets itself apart from its counterparts, how to enroll, and what level of math and language training it expects from applicants. Invited to speak were also programme graduates. They spoke about things that help kick-start careers in banking and consulting.
"Once You Have Tasted HSE, You Will Not Want to Study Anywhere Else"
Kamilla Bakhtieva is in her second year of study for a master’s in Financial Economics at ICEF and earned her bachelor’s from HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Topping the ranking of the best performing master’s students, Kamilla is often asked to grade students’ math homework. Here’s how Kamilla chose her master's degree, what she thinks about combining work and study, and what applicants need to be aware of in order to successfully complete their master’s.