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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

38.04.08 Finance and Credit

Approved by
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

2 года

Full-time, 120

Language of instruction


Instruction in Russian with some courses in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning

Не задано


2024/2025 Academic year

Business Financing and Project Management

Type: Applied
Track Supervisor: Stolyarov, Andrey I.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
KOR 1. Able to evaluate sources of capital attraction in a company and select the most effective method of financing the real sector (banking, stock market instruments, crowdfunding, hybrid financing methods);
KOR 2. Able to understand the instruments of the international financial market, use the instruments of the global financial market to attract funds to a company for the purpose of implementing investment projects;
KOR 3. Able to evaluate the effectiveness of investment projects implemented within the framework of public-private partnerships, project financing and mezzanine financing;
KOR 4. Able to design mergers and acquisitions transactions, evaluate the effectiveness of these operations, select the most suitable sources of financing for a specific transaction.
Description of the professional field:
Able to master analytical methods related to financial aspects of commercial and non-commercial organizations (PC-1);
Able to apply modern econometric methods and quantitative analysis methods to solve issues related to financial activities and use existing databases (PC-2);
Able to develop programs and select tools for conducting scientific research in the field of finance (PC-3);
Able to conduct independent research in the field of finance, evaluate the results obtained and interpret them (PC-4);
Able to develop a risk management policy taking into account factors related to the processes of digitalization and ESG transformation of companies (PC-5);
Able to develop and implement short-term and long-term financial policies and development strategies for organizations (PC-6).
Description of educational modules:
The Professional Module (hereinafter referred to as Major) provides the opportunity to master the professional competencies necessary to achieve students’ personal educational results. It includes the basic disciplines of the direction in econometrics, macroeconomics, financial theory, a block of the main disciplines of the specialization: financial markets, institutions and instruments, construction and management of an investment portfolio, financial markets: problems and solutions and disciplines of the elective part in accordance with the curriculum of the direction trajectory:
1 yearAnalysis of financial markets (fundamental)Blockchain, financial technologies and cryptoeconomicsDiagnostics of the financial condition of a companyConstruction of structured financial productsWorld financial markets (taught in English)Financial risk management2 year
IT for financiers Analysis and evaluation of investment projectsCorporate governance and behavioral economicsInvestment strategies for a conservative investorApplied models of financial engineering using Python librariesStochastic models in finance (English)SQL Basics for financiers (English).The additional module (hereinafter referred to as MagoLego) gives the student the opportunity to obtain additional competencies that allow personalizing the individual educational program at the student’s request. The program’s optional disciplines include English for financiers, Python programming fundamentals, microeconomics, quantitative finance fundamentals (taught in English), as well as disciplines from general university courses.

Financial Market and Investment Management

Type: General
Track Supervisor: Berzon, Nikolay I.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
KOR 1. Capable of conducting a full-fledged fundamental analysis of financial markets and instruments (stocks and bonds), determining entry and exit points when investing funds in the financial market;
KOR 2. Capable of developing and implementing investment strategies that allow for higher than market returns;
KOR 3. Capable of forming a portfolio from different asset classes that ensure its diversification, and managing this portfolio throughout the investment period;
KOR 4. Capable of constructing complex financial products that combine conservative (defensive) financial instruments and derivative financial instruments represented by futures and options.
Description of the professional field:
Professional competencies of a graduate of the educational trajectory "Financial Market and Investment Management"
Able to solve practical problems and research problems in the field of financial solutions (PC-1);
Able to analyze financial indicators at the micro and macro levels, assess and justify the forecast of their dynamics (PC-2);
Able to make independent decisions in the field of finance both at the corporate level and at the level of personal finances (PC-3);
Able to carry out research and applied research in the financial sphere and carry out such research (PC-4);
Able to conduct financial, fundamental and technical analysis of the company and analyze its strengths and weaknesses (PC-5);
Able to develop investment projects in accordance with the goals of sustainable development and assess their direct and indirect effects (PC-6).
Description of educational modules:
The Professional Module (hereinafter referred to as Major) provides an opportunity to master professional competencies necessary for achieving personal educational results for students. It includes basic disciplines of the direction in econometrics, macroeconomics, financial theory, a block of basic disciplines of the specialization: financial markets, institutions and instruments, construction and management of an investment portfolio, financial markets: problems and solutions and disciplines of the elective part in accordance with the curriculum of the direction trajectory:
1 year
Analysis of financial markets (technical analysis)Diagnostics of the financial condition of a companyConstruction of structured financial productsGlobal financial markets (in English)Derivative financial instrumentsStructuring of mergers and acquisitions
2 year
Corporate governance and behavioral economicsDirect and venture investmentsCounteracting unfair practicesStructured financingBasics of R for financiers (in English).The additional module (hereinafter referred to as MagoLego) gives the student the opportunity to obtain additional competencies that allow personalizing the individual educational program at the student’s request. The program’s optional disciplines include: English for financiers, mathematics for financiers, Python programming basics, microeconomics, quantitative finance basics (taught in English), introduction to machine learning, as well as general university disciplines.

2023/2024 Academic year

Business Financing and Project Management

Type: Applied
Track Supervisor: Stolyarov, Andrey I.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
COP 1. Is able to assess the sources of capital raising in the company and choose the most effective way to finance the real sector (banking, stock market instruments, crowdfunding, hybrid financing methods);
COP 2. Able to understand the instruments of the international financial market, use the instruments of the global financial market to raise funds for the company in order to implement investment projects;
CDF 3. Capable of evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects implemented within the framework of public-private partnerships, project financing and mezzanine financing;
COP 4. Able to design mergers and acquisitions, evaluate the effectiveness of these transactions, select the most suitable sources of financing for a particular transaction.
Description of the professional field:
Able to master the methods of analytical work related to the financial aspects of the activities of commercial and non-profit organizations (PC-1);
Able to apply modern econometric methods and methods of quantitative analysis to solve issues related to financial activities and use existing databases (PC-2);
Able to develop programs and select tools for conducting scientific research in the field of finance (PC-3);
Able to conduct independent research in the field of finance, evaluate the results and interpret them (PC-4);
Able to develop a risk management policy taking into account factors related to the processes of digitalization and ESG transformation of companies (PC-5);
Able to develop and implement short-term and long-term financial policies and strategies for the development of organizations (PC-6).
Description of educational modules:
The professional module (hereinafter - Major) provides an opportunity to master the professional competencies necessary to achieve personal educational results of students. It includes the basic disciplines of the direction in econometrics, macroeconomics, the theory of finance, a block of the main disciplines of specialization: financial markets, institutions and instruments, construction and management of an investment portfolio, financial markets: problems and solutions and disciplines of the variable part in accordance with the curriculum of the trajectory of the direction:
1 course
Analysis of financial markets (fundamental analysis)
Diagnostics of the financial condition of the company
Blockchain, financial technologies and cryptoeconomics
Design of structured financial products
World Financial Markets (taught in English)
Financial risk management
2 course
IT for financiers
Analysis and evaluation of investment projectsInvestment
Strategies for the Conservative Investor
Applied financial engineering models using Python librariesStochastic Models in Finance (English)
Corporate Governance and Behavioral Economics.
An additional module (hereinafter referred to as MagoLego) gives the student the opportunity to acquire additional competencies that allow personalizing the IEP at the request of the student. Variable disciplines of the program: English for financiers, Python programming basics, microeconomics, basics of quantitative finance (taught in English), as well as disciplines from general university courses.

Financial Market and Investment Management

Type: General
Track Supervisor: Berzon, Nikolay I.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
COR 1. Able to conduct a full-fledged fundamental analysis of financial markets and instruments (stocks and bonds), determine entry and exit points when investing in the financial market;
COP 2. Able to develop and implement investment strategies that allow you to get a return above the market;
COR 3. Is able to form a portfolio from a different class of assets that ensure its diversification, and manage this portfolio throughout the entire investment period;
COP 4. Able to design complex financial products that combine conservative (protective) financial instruments and derivative financial instruments represented by futures and options.
Description of the professional field:
Professional competencies of a graduate of the educational trajectory "Financial market and investment managementAble to solve practical problems and research problems in the field of financial solutions (PC-1);
Able to analyze financial indicators at the micro and macro levels, evaluate and justify the forecast of their dynamics (PC-2);
Able to make independent decisions in the field of finance both at the corporate level and at the level of personal finance (PC-3);
Able to carry out research and applied research in the financial sector and carry out such research (PC-4);
Able to conduct financial, fundamental and technical analysis of the company and analyze its strengths and weaknesses (PC-5);
Able to develop investment projects in accordance with the goals of sustainable development and evaluate their direct and indirect effects (PC-6).
Description of educational modules:
The professional module (hereinafter - Major) provides an opportunity to master the professional competencies necessary to achieve personal educational results of students. It includes the basic disciplines of the direction in econometrics, macroeconomics, the theory of finance, a block of the main disciplines of specialization: financial markets, institutions and instruments, construction and management of an investment portfolio, financial markets: problems and solutions and disciplines of the variable part in accordance with the curriculum of the trajectory of the direction:
1 course
Analysis of financial markets (technical analysis)
Diagnostics of the financial condition of the company
Design of structured financial products
World Financial Markets (in English)
Derivative financial instrumentsStructuring M&A deals 
2 course
Corporate Governance and Behavioral Economics
Private equity and venture capitalCounteracting unfair practices
Structural financePersonal wealth management.
An additional module (hereinafter referred to as MagoLego) gives the student the opportunity to gain additional competencies that allow personalizing IEP at the request of the student. Variable disciplines of the program: English for financiers, mathematics for financiers, Python programming basics, microeconomics, quantitative finance basics (taught in English), introduction in machine learning, as well as university-wide disciplines.
Competitive Advantages

Global financial markets have been subject to changes in recent years. The growing role of nonbank financial intermediaries, increasing the role of structured Finance, new financial technologies, increasing the role of roboadvising, blockchain, crowdfunding and other innovations In order to be competitive, financial institutions must constantly attract specialists who understand these innovations. They are prepared by the Financial engineering program.

A special feature of the master's program is that it is focused on the needs of a wide range of financial market participants, both companies and private investors.

Competitive advantages of training on the program:

  • practice-oriented program;
  • the program attracts domestic and foreign experts, working in international companies such as the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; Sberbank of Russia; the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; Alfa-Bank; Finam Bank and Finam, OOO "Moscow partners"; "RENOVA-StroyGroup", etc.;
  • students are encouraged to choose elective courses;
  • students take part in projects of the project and training laboratory of financial market analysis (LAFR);
  • students are offered master classes, projects, case studies and seminars conducted by highly qualified business experts;
  • students of the program can also participate in international internships or take part in one of the double degree programs, with a trip to study abroad and receive two diplomas - a master's degree from the higher school of Economics and a master's degree from one of the foreign partner universities of the faculty / University. We cooperate with European universities (Sorbonne (for those who know French), Luxembourg (research program), Erasmus, Humboldt, Maastricht University, etc.)
  • evening and Saturday classes allow students to study and work at the same time;
  • students gain useful connections for their future careers.
Professional Activities and Competencies of Programme Graduates

A graduate in the field of Finance and credit with the qualification (degree) "master" in accordance with the tasks of professional activity and the goals of the main educational program has the following professional competencies:

  • is able to conduct a full-fledged fundamental analysis of financial instruments (stocks and bonds), determine entry and exit points, develop investment strategies that allow you to get higher than market returns, and perform the functions of a financial analyst;
  • able to design structural financial products and evaluate their effectiveness for the retail investor and the Issuer of such products;
  • able to develop and apply new financial technologies;
  • able to use derivative financial instruments for insurance and building various investment strategies;
  • able to evaluate and compare various methods of financing the real sector (banking, stock market instruments, crowdfunding, hybrid financing methods);
  • is able to understand the tools of the international financial market, use the tools of the global financial market to attract funds and design investment strategies;
  • able to use the most up-to-date methods and tools of global financial science to analyze theoretical and practical issues;
  • able to conduct a full analysis of investment projects in the real and financial sector;
  • able to evaluate and design mergers and acquisitions;
  • able to evaluate and build an effective investment portfolio;
  • is able to use modern information technologies and software tools in professional activities, set tasks for specialized specialists in the development of special ICT and SOFTWARE for solving professional problems;
  • able to present the results of the research to the scientific community in the form of a report (presentation) and an article.
Programme Modules

The curriculum of the master's program is focused on the model of training financial specialists, which combines the study of the theoretical foundations of financial Economics with the simultaneous study of applied financial disciplines and in-depth study and use of modern mathematical tools, which ensures continuity of theoretical and applied courses. The master's degree system built in this way will allow students to start practical work in the divisions of companies that offer their clients asset protection services against various financial risks after completing their studies.

All disciplines of the master's program are combined into the following blocks:

A block of adaptive distance learning courses (designed for those who do not have a basic economic education), for example, the Basics of microeconomics (Microeconomics Principles

Block 1. Disciplines, which consists of a cycle of General disciplines of the direction, program disciplines and variable disciplines of the student's choice. The exact list of disciplines and requirements is contained in the curricula approved annually by the University.

Block 2. Practice and project and research work

Practice is a mandatory part of the main educational program of the master's degree. The practice can be conducted in third-party organizations (enterprises, research institutes, firms) or in University laboratories. The financial engineering and risk management laboratory and the financial market analysis Project and training laboratory (LAFR) are excellent places not only for practical training, but also for developing research skills during the training period.

Project activities are aimed at implementing practical projects proposed by business experts.

Block 3. State final certification

The final state certification includes the protection of the final qualification work. The final qualification work is performed in the form of a master's thesis during the period of practical training and research work and is an independent and logically completed final qualification work related to solving problems of design, economic, and analytical activities.

Information Circle
Information about choosing tracks / Selection (Assignment) of Tracks/Specializations

Образовательная программа магистратуры предусматривает подготовку студентов по двум траекториям.

  1. Финансовый рынок и управление инвестициями

Вид: общая траектория ориентирована на абитуриентов, желающих сменить ранее освоенное направление подготовки или достроить свои компетенции в другой области. Обучение предусматривает высокую долю обязательных курсов, дающих глубокие фундаментальные знания по направлению подготовки, так и выбор элементов образовательной программы студентом из широкого пула предложений.

Список дисциплин и требований содержится в учебных планах, ежегодно утверждаемых университетом.

Язык реализации: русский и английский

Наставник: д.э.н., профессор Берзон Н.И.

  1. Финансирование бизнеса и управление проектами

Вид: прикладная траектория: ориентирована на абитуриентов, желающих углубить и расширить свои знания в ранее освоенной области и на абитуриентов, которые заинтересованы в приобретении во время обучения в магистратуре узкого перечня профессиональных компетенций, связанных, как правило, с запросом конкретных сегментов рынка труда. Обучение по прикладной траектории предполагает наличие перечня пререквизитов у студентов, без которых освоение образовательной программы будет невозможно (микроэкономика, макроэкономика, финансовая математика). Обучение по прикладной траектории характеризуется значительной долей практической подготовки на базе компаний и организаций — партнеров или структурных подразделений НИУ ВШЭ.

Список дисциплин и требований содержится в учебных планах, ежегодно утверждаемых университетом.

Язык реализации: русский и английский

Наставник: к.э.н., доцент Столяров А.И.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Financial Engineering'

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