HSE Accounts for Over 20% of Total Online Courses in Russia
CourseBurg.ru, a Russian platform for course searches, has analyzed mass open online courses. The Higher School of Economics (HSE) was the leader among universities in Russia — our institution had prepared 22% of the courses under review.
Analysts collected data on all courses available at the beginning of the 2016/2017 academic year, as well as courses slated for launch by October 30. The data was collected from the largest Russian and international platforms for online courses, both in Russian and courses prepared by Russian authors in other languages (Coursera, Open Education, Universarium, Uniweb, Universality and Lectorium). Closed platforms and lectures uploaded several years ago were not considered. In total, data on 420 courses and 76 course authors (working at universities or companies) was analyzed in the survey.
Economics and Business was the most popular area of open online courses for a mass audience. HSE is also the leader in terms of the number of courses available in this category (30%).
HSE’s courses in Mathematics and Data Processing (24%), IT and Programming (18%), Humanities and Education, and Cultural Studies, Creativity and Personal Growth (12% in each category) also make considerable contributions.
Source: Roem.ru