
HSE Students Present Anti-Fraud Application at DeFi Hack 2024 Blockchain Hackathon
The grand finale of Sber's international hackathon for Web3 developers, DeFi Hack 2024, concluded with five finalist teams. A total of 145 teams from 31 regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Serbia, participated in the competition.

HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest
On April 14–19, 2024, two finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in Luxor (Egypt). The teams from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science became world champions in the 47th ICPC final and received gold medals in the 46th final.
HSE University Holds HSE Sber ML Hack
On November 17-19, The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, SBER and cloud technology provider organised HSE Sber ML Hack, a hackathon based around machine learning. More than 350 undergraduate and graduate students from 54 leading Russian universities took part in the competition.

‘Not an Ordinary Educational Programme, but a Whole Specialised Forum’
Financial Technologies and Data Analysis (FinTech), a joint Master’s programme from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science and Sberbank, will have its fifth graduation this summer. The programme opened in 2017 and has become a major educational project for both the university and Sberbank. Students, partners, and teachers of FinTech explained what the programme is and why it is worth enrolling in.