Tag "machine learning"
HSE University Holds HSE Sber ML Hack
On November 17-19, The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, SBER and cloud technology provider Cloud.ru organised HSE Sber ML Hack, a hackathon based around machine learning. More than 350 undergraduate and graduate students from 54 leading Russian universities took part in the competition.

HSE Opens Laboratory of Financial Data Analysis
Part of the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods and another partner project between Sberbank and HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, the laboratory will focus on applying machine learning methods to financial services.
HSE University Opens Joint Laboratory with Samsung Research
Samsung-HSE Laboratory will develop mechanisms of Bayesian inference in modern neural networks, which will solve a number of problems in deep learning. The laboratory team will be made up of the members of the Bayesian Methods Research Group — one of the strongest scientific groups in Russia in the field of machine learning and Bayesian inference. It will be headed by a professor of the Higher School of Economics Dmitry Vetrov.
First International Data Analysis Olympiad to Be Held in Russia
The IDAO (International Data Analysis Olympiad), created by leading experts in data analysis for their future colleagues, aims to bring together analysts, scientists, professionals, and junior researchers from all over the world on a single platform. This is the first time an event of this scale will be held in Russia. The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex and Harbour. Space University organize the Olympiad with the support of Sberbank.