Tag "research projects"

Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University
The start of a new academic year is an excellent time to plan the next steps in your academic career. On September 1, HSE University announced the start of its annual Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC-2022). Participation is open to students of Russian and international universities and to 2022 graduates. Last year, a total of 2,196 papers were submitted to the SRPC, of which 435 were from external participants.

How Following the Law Helps to Fight the COVID 19 Pandemic
Mathematicians of the Higher School of Economics have calculated the effectiveness of measures taken to fight the coronavirus epidemic in different countries. They have concluded that the scale of anti-epidemic measures does not necessarily directly affect the disease rate, suggesting that one of the main reasons for this is the willingness of citizens to clearly, honestly and consistently comply with anti-epidemic measures.
DeCAn faculty visited University of Tromsø
Dean of DeCAn laboratory Professor F. Aleskerov with our faculty have visited The University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway from September 10 to September 17 for a joint work with UiT on the project "High North Economics: Learning how economists work and think in Russia and Norway using theoretical models and laboratory experiments".