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Congratulations on the Knowledge Day

The master program “Law of International Trade and Dispute Resolution” congratulates all first-year students on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new study year.

Congratulations on the Knowledge Day

As a result of the admission campaign, students from China, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Thailand, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, as well as graduates of leading Russian universities from the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, Moscow State Law University, Kazan Federal University and others. During forthcoming 2 years of studies students will enjoy an exciting educational program, a deep dive into the problems of international economic law, regulation of foreign investments, economic sanctions, as well as recent trends in the field of international dispute resolution. In December 2022, students will choose one of two tracks - the law of international trade (under the guidance of Professor Daria Boklan) or the resolution of international disputes (under the guidance of Professor Galperin M.L.). In addition to studying compulsory and elective disciplines, all students of the program will take part in the internal moot-court and will also conduct their own individual research on the chosen topic. We wish our students success in their studies!