Tag "success builder"

Master-class of E. Arutyunova, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Master-classes for first-year students of the Master's program "Language policy in the context of ethnocultural diversity" are continuing to take place. A master-class "Language contradictions in school education in the republics of the Russian Federation: causes and perception in public opinion» was held by E. M. Arutyunova on February, 19.

Master-class by Maria Amelina, Researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Master-classes for first-year students of the Master's programme "Language policy in the context of ethnocultural diversity" are continuing to take place. On February 19, a master-class was held by Maria Amelina, MD of the Department of Ural-Altaic Languages of the Institute of linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Master-class by Marina Raskladkina, Researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
On February 5, first-year students of the Master programme "Language policy in the context of ethnocultural diversity" took the opportunity to attend a series of lectures by Marina Raskladkina, Candidate of Political Sciences, member of the RSF project "Dynamics of linguistic contact in the circumpolar North" at the Institute of Linguistics and member of research group "Linguistic and sociocultural research in Alaska.

Expedition to Primorsky Krai
As part of the HSE “Rediscovering Russia” program, seven first-year graduate students spent a week in Primorsky Krai. The field expedition, held in Vladivostok, was aimed at studying multilingualism, value orientations, migration, local identity, family and state language policies of the region.