HSE student Elizaveta Kuzmenko receives Google's Women Techmakers Scholarship
Google announced the recepients of its several scholarship programs, including the Women Techmakers Scholarship (formerly the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship). Among this year's winners Elizaveta Kuzmenko, 1st year student on the Computational Linguistics MA programme at HSE.
RusVectōrēs: A Yearly Report
RusVectōrēs is a web service for distributional semantics created at the School of Linguistics. The service allows users to play with distributional semantic models (a.k.a. word embeddings) right in the browser. Last year we added lots of new features, and we are happy to share the news with you.
'What convinced me to come here was HSE's focus on research'
Frank Fisher, Associate Professor in the School of Linguistics, moved to HSE in 2016, having previously worked at Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities. Since then he has helped found HSE's own Centre for Digital Humanities, participated in a summer school on digital literary research, started a junior research group and became a co-director of DARIAH, a pan-European research infrastructure. In the interview Frank talks about the benefits of being a researcher at HSE and describes his own research activities and plans.
Kira Droganova tells about her talk on TLT14 (Warsaw, Poland)
Kira, a master student at the School of Linguistics, wrote a short piece about her experience at the 14th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT14).