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Payment dates are:

      ☑ the first payment till 25/08

      ☑ second payment till 20/02

* payment terms may vary depending on the terms of the contract concluded with the student in the year of his admission.

For paying you need your contract number (of the form ###-202#-МКБМ). The number is on your copies of contracts, supplemental agreements, or previous billing notices. If you do not know your contract number contact your study office.

Installment or postponement is issued in exceptional cases by the dean’s decision.

If you have valid reasons for receiving an installment/ postponement payment, you have to (1-2 weeks before the payment deadline) apply to the study office with a form application, in which you indicate the reason for the installment and planned payment schedule.

If you do not want to receive a Notification of Expulsion, do not violate the terms of the contract, pay for tuition within the terms specified in the contract.

Paying Tuition and Dormitory Fees

Ways to pay

·        Cash (bank) payment.


If you pay on your own you need to fill in and print a receipt for tuition fees and pay it at the bank: tuition fees and discounts

In the case of payment through Sberbank of Russia, the payer is not charged a commission for transferring funds. In the offices of the Orgbank, the payer is charged a commission in the amount of 1% of the payment amount.  If you make a payment in other banks, the amount of payment will increase by the amount of the commission charged by the bank.


·        Pay on the website of the HSE

·        Sberbank online app.

If you have reasons to receive installment/postponement of tuition fees you need to contact the study office in time (no later than 20/08) with an application and indicate the reason for the installment and the schedule of planned payments.

Application for installment payments (DOC, 32 Кб) 

According to the contract the student is obliged to confirm the payment of the amount by providing a copy of the payment document to the study office by e-mail or personally. It is necessary to confirm the fact of payment no later than the following dates: 25/08 and 20/02.

If you have reasons for applying for an educational loan:

HSE Academic Handbook

If you have reasons for paying from maternity capital

According to еру paragraph 1.2.4. Appendix 9 to the Internal Regulations of the Higher School of Economics, the student must be expelled for non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract (for non-payment).

For all questions related to tuition fees, please contact the study office.