Master's programme in Mathematics Alumni
Name | Title of the M.Sc. Thesis | Adviser | Year |
Eduard Balzin | Factorization Categories, Algebras and Their Generalizations | D. Kaledin | 2012 |
Alexei Basalaev | Cohomological Field Theories on Genus Zero Moduli Spaces with Weighted Marked Points | I. Artamkin | 2012 |
Nikolai Dedushenko | Berezin-Toeplitz quantization of symplectic manifolds | A. Gorodentsev | 2012 |
Albert Mingazov | Gersten Conjecture for Azumaya Algebras over Equicharacteristic Ring | A. Gorodentsev | 2012 |
Olga Yaksheva | The Parameter Space of Quadratic Rational Functions with a Pre-fixed Critical Point | V. Timorin | 2012 |
Yuri Bykov | Differential Geometry of Hilbert's Surfaces | A. Levin | 2013 |
Denis Degtyarev | Local Plucker Formulas for an Orthogonal Lie Group | L. Positselski | 2013 |
Alexander Garkusha | AdS/CFT Correspondence in N=4 Yang-Mills and AdS_5 x S^5 -theories | A. Marshakov | 2013 |
Artyom Klochkov | Smooth Representations of Infinite Symmetric Groups | M. Rovinsky | 2013 |
Dmitry Korshunov | Perelman's stability theorem | M. Verbitsky | 2013 |
Tatiana Muhutdinova | Algebraic Structures on Spaces of Graphs Related to Knot Invariants | S. Lando | 2013 |
Anton Platov | BPS-states in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories and Solutions of Geodesic Equations | A. Marshakov | 2013 |
Pavel Sechin | Connections on Hodge Structures | M. Rovinsky | 2013 |
Danila Zaev | Invariant measures and optimal transport on infinite-dimensional spaces | A. Kolesnikov | 2013 |
Zohreh Aliabadi | Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields | M. Tsfasman | 2014 |
Valeria Ahmedova | Dispersionless Integrable Equations and Conformal Mappings | A. Zabrodin | 2014 |
Ilia Burenko | Moduli Varieties for Drinfeld Modules of Small Ranks | M. Tsfasman | 2014 |
Pavlo Gavrylenko | Quiver Gauge Theories | A. Marshakov | 2014 |
Omar Ganiev | On Some Informational Intermediate Logics | V. Shehtman | 2014 |
Oleg Grigoriev | Gauss Decomposition for Reflection Equation Algebras | P. Pyatov | 2014 |
Vladlena Kazantseva | Lie Superalgebra gl (t | t+1) | L. Rybnikov | 2014 |
Dmitry Korb | Sufficient Conditions for Exactness of the Global Sections Functor for Quantisations of Quiver Varieties of the Affine Type | M. Finkelberg | 2014 |
Sergey Kuzmichev | Combinatorial Properties of the Genocchi Numbers | B. Feigin | 2014 |
Alexander Kulinich | Random Matrices and Markov Kernels | G. Olshanski | 2014 |
Elena Lukzen | Breaking of the Fredholm Property of the Boundary Gromow Operator at the Singular Point of the Lagrangian Whitney Umbrella | V. Shevchishin | 2014 |
Vitaliy Manoshin | Т-Duality in String Theory | E. Ahmedov | 2014 |
Alexandra Ostrovskaya | Graphs on Surfaces and Harer-Zagier's Numbers | E. Ahmedov | 2014 |
Aleksey Rogozhnikov | Spanning Webs Model in Cylinder Geometry | A. Povolotsky | 2014 |
Andrey Ryabichev | Hurwitz Numbers on Nodal Curves | Yu. Burman | 2014 |
Nina Saharova | Convergence of the Zagier Type Series for the Green's Function | A. Levin | 2014 |
Pavel Solomatin | Curves with Many Points: the Class Field Theory Approach | A. Zykin | 2014 |
Ekaterina Stuken | Volumes of Arithmetic Factor Spaces, Connected with Indefinite Lattices of Signature (m,n), m<3 | O. Schwartzman | 2014 |
Artur Tomberg | Balancedness of Twistor Spaces of Hypercomplex Manifolds | M. Verbitsky | 2014 |
Boris Tsvelihovskii | Double-shifted Shuffle Algebra and Catalan Numbers | B. Feigin | 2014 |
Timofey Shabalin | Homology of Some Surfaces with p_g=q=0 Isogenous to a Product | D. Orlov | 2014 |
Aydar Abzalov | Duality Covariant Field Theory for D=6,7 Supergravities | E. Ahmedov | 2015 |
Elena Altunina | Poisson Reduction and Integrability | I. Marshall | 2015 |
Alexey Verbitsky | Green Function of Embedded Space | E. Ahmedov | 2015 |
Mikhail Zavalin | Limiting Shift-of-argument Subalgebras and Weight Bases | E. Ahmedov | 2015 |
Svetlana Ivina | One-loop Corrections to Photon-electron Scattering | P. Saponov | 2015 |
Alexey Ilyin | Degeneration of Bethe Subalgebras in the Yangian | L. Rybnikov | 2015 |
Broderick Causley | Generalized Lawson Surfaces | A. Penskoi | 2015 |
Yaroslav Krul | Projections of Orbital Measures | G. Olshanski | 2015 |
Dmitry Kubrak | On Some p-torsion Elements in Brauer Group of Symplectic Resolution in Characteristic p | M. Finkelberg | 2015 |
Nikolay Kuleshov | Homology of the Space of Knots in the Solid Torus | V. Vassiliev | 2015 |
Andrey Lyashik | Quantum Integrable Magnets and Classical Particle System | A. Marshakov | 2015 |
Olesya Malinovskaya | Cohomology of Spaces of Strictly Morse Perturbations of Function Singularities | V. Vassiliev | 2015 |
Maria Matushko | Calogero Models in a Limit of Infinite Numbers of Particles | S. Khoroshkin | 2015 |
Leonid Monin | Estimations on Numbers of Critical Points of Functions on Compact Manifolds | P. Pushkar | 2015 |
Pavel Novichkov | Superintegrable Metrics on Surfaces Admitting Integrals of Degree 1 and 4 | V. Shevchishin | 2015 |
Dmitry Pedchenko | Arens-Michael Envelopes of Some Noncommutative Algebras | A. Pirkovskii | 2015 |
Vsevolod Petrushchenko | Planarizations | V. Timorin | 2015 |
Andrey Ploskonosov | Radial Parts of Measures | G. Olshanski | 2015 |
Pavel Popov | Specialization of Equivariant Cohomology of Affine Laumon Spaces | L. Rybnikov | 2015 |
Vsevolod Petrushchenko | Coordinate Systems on the Quantum Flag Manifolds | B. Feigin | 2015 |
Darya Rudneva | Integrability of Asymmetrical Six-vertex Model and Stochastic Processes | A. Zabrodin | 2015 |
Kirill Stupakov | Geometry and Combinatorics of Double Ramification Cycles | M. Kazarian | 2015 |
Lev Soukhanov | On Two-dimensional Generalization of Morse Theory | A. Losev | 2015 |
Anastasia Trofimova | Matrix Units for Birman-Murakami-Wenzl Algebras | P. Pyatov | 2015 |
Anna Shatalova | Symplectic Form Associated with Triangular Difference Operators | I. Krichever | 2015 |
Darya Schedrina | Topological Vector Spaces and Their Application to Algebraic Geometry | S. Gorchinsky | 2015 |
Tigran Akopyan | Zagier Series for Shimura Modular Forms | A. Levin | 2016 |
Alexander Berdnikov | Topological Estimates on Laplacian Eigenvalue Multiplicities | A. Penskoi | 2016 |
Kirill Boltaev | q-determinant in the Theory of Quantum Matrix Algebras: its Construction and Properties | P. Pyatov | 2016 |
Sergey Burkin | Koszul Property for Operad of all Operads | A. Khoroshkin | 2016 |
Alexandra Viktorova | Quaternionic Dolbeault Complex | M. Verbitsky | 2016 |
Ravil Gabdurahmanov | Spaces of Harmonic Maps of the Projective Plane to the Four-dimensional Sphere | A. Penskoi | 2016 |
Vladimir Gavran | Rigidity of the Cotangent Bundle of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on a K3 Surface | Ch. Brav | 2016 |
Nikolay Ivlev | Lyapunov Functionals in Nonlinear Diffusion and Exchange Problems | S. Apenko | 2016 |
Yakov Kononov | Computation of Amplitudes in Topological Strings Theories | A. Belavin | 2016 |
Fei-Tong Lyu | A Survey of Holomorphic Lagrangian Fibrations | V. Shevchishin | 2016 |
Vyacheslav Moshkin | Determinantal Random Point Fields | A. Bufetov | 2016 |
Grigori Papayanov | Deformations of Nearly Kahler Manifolds | M. Verbitsky | 2016 |
Petr Pushkar | Quantum Multiplication by Higher Chern Classes on a Grassmannian and Baxter Operator | L. Rybnikov | 2016 |
Maxim Savelov | Extremal Characteristics of Interval Criteria | A. Povolotsky | 2016 |
Pavel Tomas | Operads and Applications | A. Khoroshkin | 2016 |
Evgeny Cherkassky | On Endomorphisms of Algebraic Manifolds | E. Amerik | 2016 |
Anton Shchechkin | Painleve III Equation: Tau Functions, Representation Theory and q-deformations | M. Bershtein | 2016 |
Yang Daodao | Picard-Lefschetz Monodromy Groups of Algebraic Projective Varieties | V. Vassiliev | 2016 |