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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

38.04.02 Management

Approved by
Protocol of the Academic Council session №13 dated 27.09.2019
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
Protocol № 3 dated 17.03.2022
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

2 года

Full-time, 120 credits

Language of instruction


Instruction in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning

With online tools


2024/2025 Academic year

International Management

Type: Applied
Track Supervisor: Prostakov, Ivan
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр
Key learning outcomes:
KLO-1: knows and understands the main concepts and models of economic, organisational and managerial theories in the context of international management problems.
KLO-2: selects and uses tools to design, implement and evaluate the success of a company's strategic alternatives in the context of international competition and global economic and technological trends.
KLO-3: knows the basic principles of data management, has a basic understanding of modern data analysis tools and demonstrates the ability to select and use appropriate tools to solve specific management problems using modern digital technologies and information-analytical systems.
KLO-4: applies modern project management tools and social technologies in the organisation and execution of project teams related to professional and consultancy work in an international environment.
KLO-5: knows the key concepts and is proficient in modern marketing tools and is able to apply them to design and develop new business models, products and services in an international marketplace
KLO-6: has skills in conducting research in the field of international management, including analysis of international research papers, writing analytical reports on the conducted research, publicly defending the results obtained and preparing the text of the Master's thesis.
Description of the professional field:

Programme graduates are able to perform a wide range of organisational, managerial, information-analytical, financial, entrepreneurial, consultancy and research professional tasks in the context of digital business transformation. Programme graduates receive high quality training in the main areas of management, having the opportunity to strengthen their competencies in specific areas by building their individual learning path and planning individual learning outcomes. This enables graduates to work in Russian and foreign companies, international projects, international investment and venture funds, international non-profit organisations, and to hold the key personnel positions in:
- Strategic Development Department;
- Marketing and Marketing Communications Department;
- Financial Management Department
- Investment and Project Management Department
- Human Resources Management Department
- Production Department;
- Digital Transformation Department;
- project and product teams.
The competitiveness of graduates of the programme on the labour market is determined by a wide range of competencies acquired during their studies, as well as the experience gained during the programme in an international environment. As a result of mastering the Programme, graduate develops universal and professional competencies defined by the HSE Educational Standard (level of higher education - Master's programme), as well as professional competencies.

Description of educational modules:

The two components of the Professional Module (Major) are the Basic Professional Block and the Variable Professional Block. Major serves as the foundation for all subsequent professional activities.

The Basic Professional Block contributes to the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge in the field of global strategic management and international economy, and develops general professional competences of the student in conducting research in management. The Basic Professional Block includes following disciplines:
- Global Strategic Management;
- International Economics.
The Professional Block includes compulsory and elective disciplines. Compulsory disciplines in a number of key areas of management (operations management, marketing, financial management, HR, ESG) are focused on the global nature of international companies, and are combined with  courses on new business models in digital economy, business analytics, and AI tools in business and management. Students can customize their own educational paths and advance their competencies in a range of functional areas of management that most interest them in terms of professional and career development by choosing from elective courses.

Compulsory disciplines:
- Global Operations Management;
- Marketing in the Digital Age;
- International Financial Management;
- Digital Transformation;

- Business Analytics and AI;

- Management of Technological Innovations

- HR Management in Global Corporations;
- Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility;

- Legal Structuring of Entrepreneurship in the International Framework
Elective Block 1 (1 of 2):
- Project Management in MNCs
- Business Valuation
Elective Block 2 (1 of 2):
- Practical Tools for Management Consulting
- Practical Marketing Tools in International Business
Key Seminar Module is designed to coordinate learning activities and support students’ individual learning outcomes:


- Mentor's Seminar helps students to create personalized learning and research trajectories and identify their objectives.

- Project Seminar "Business Internationalization" allows students to create business strategies and to work on real business cases based on practices of Russian in international companies.
- Research Seminar "Skills for Master's Thesis Preparation" accompany students in their work on Master’s Thesis, which will be the summum of knowledge and skills acquired during 2 years studies.

To form additional competencies, students can choose any discipline from the university-wide Master's pool by selecting it in the "MagoLego" Module.

The Practical Module, which incorporates professional and project practice, shapes the student's competencies in conducting research and solving applied problems in the field of international management. An internship as professional practice is organized with the goals of providing students with work experience, allowing them to participate in projects and business processes in international companies and organizations, and allowing them to gather empirical data about multinational corporations in order to write their Master’s Thesis. Project-basis practice equips students with the knowledge and abilities necessary to address particular practical business or research issues in the field of international management, and includes

- management consulting for an international company in the field of strategic business transformation (1st year);
- coursework (1st course);
- consultancy project (2nd year);
- preparation of the final qualification work (Master’s Thesis) (2nd year).
The State Final Attestation (SFA) module includes the defense of the student's final qualification work and allows assessing the Master’s Degree as achievement of the educational programme results.

2023/2024 Academic year

International Management

Type: Applied
Track Supervisor: Prostakov, Ivan
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр
Competitive Advantages

World’s best practices in business education

  • strong academic foundation
  • practice-oriented learning
  • collaborative environment
  • leadership&teamwork
  • personal and professional development

Reliable corporate partners

  • consultancy projects and real-life cases from corporate partners
  • master-classes and workshops from business practitioners and executives
  • corporate internship and participation in corporate-sponsored projects
  • opportunities to initiate and implement school- and university-wide projects

Semester abroad in one of the best business schools

  • collaboration with best business schools from Master in Management/Financial Times rating-100
  • double-degree diploma options

International ecosystem

  • programme taught entirely in English
  • international faculty and education ecosystem, including full support from International Office
Professional Activities and Competencies of Programme Graduates

Programme graduates can successfully be employed by any multinational company because they have such competencies as:

Cognitive skills

  • Self-development (consciousness, study skills, curiosity)
  • Time management skills (activity arrangement, resource management)
  • Managerial skills (prioritization, goal setting, teambuilding)
  • Commitment to results (responsibility, risk-taking, persistency, self-starter)
  • Problem solving (creativity, critical thinking)
  • Adaptivity (dealing with ambiguity)

Social and Behavioral skills

  • Communication (presentative, written, negotiation, openness)
  • Interpersonal (teamwork, ethic, empathy, customer-focused, stress management)
  • Inter-cultural collaboration (consciousness, social responsibility, foreign languages and cultures)

Digital skills

  • System engineering (software engineering, application programming)
  • Information management (data analysis and processing)
Programme Modules

Designed to give students the knowledge and skills required to work as professional managers in a highly competitive digitalized world, the programme’s curriculum is based on three interrelated modules:

  • Global strategies and operations
  • Digital transformation and new business models
  • CSR and sustainable development

Students enrolled in the programme take a combination of required core courses—International Economics, Global Strategic Management, and Research Methods in Management—as well as a series of elective courses. Through the programme, students gain expertise and practical experience in four key areas:

  • International business strategy and regional markets
  • Managing the development of organizations and talent in a digital world
  • Business analytics and financial management
  • Marketing and operations in modern multinational companies

Taught entirely in English, the programme requires students to study abroad at a leading international business school (partners of HSE). This requirement enables students to enhance their educational experience and jumpstart their professional and personal development.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Master in International Management'

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