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"Emotional intelligence determines the success in business" - D.Karuzo at the conference "Working Emotional Intelligence in Business and Education"

The Master Programme "Psychology in Business" HSE, together with the European Association of Cultural and Emotional Intelligent Projects (EACEIP), the International Center of the Coaching Training Consulting (CTC), and the International Network of Children's Schools for the Development of Emotional Intelligence (EI CHILDREN) took part in the organization and holding of the First International Science -Practical Conference "Working Emotional Intellect in Business and Education".

Our Master programme develops its own approach to business psychology and the role of business psychologists in the organization. We try to work so that people who create and implement a business, despite the most complex overloads, stresses, pressure of competition and other problems, retained the ability for personal development, normal human communications, emotional manifestations, etc. Therefore, we are interested in psychological models,  which contain intrigue, a field for creativity, non-standard solutions. We consider emotional intelligence as such interesting model.
At the initiative of Elena Khlevna, the scientific director of the Emotional Intelligence Program of the International Center of the Coaching Training Consulting, the representative of the European Association and Emotional Intelligence Projects (EACIP) in Russia, our program was involved in organizing and holding the first international scientific and practical conference "Working Intellect in Business and Education ".
Among the participants of the conference are:  businessmen, heads of organizations, scientists, representatives of the education system.
Their welcoming words to the conference participants from our program were said by Professor N. Ivanova and Professor V. Stroo.
Our students haв an exclusive opportunity to listen to lectures of leading experts of the world level on this issue. This is, first of all, the world-famous scientist, David R. Caruso - psychologist, specialist in management, employee of the Center for Emotional Intelligence of Yale University (USA). He is also co-author of the concept of emotional intelligence (with P. Salovey and J. Mayer, co-author of the most authoritative test for determining the level of emotional intelligence MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), co-author (together with Peter Salvey) of the book "Emotional Intellect of the Leader: How to Develop and Apply" (2016) D. Caruso presented a paper on the topic: Emotional Intelligence: The Approach of Yale University. Experience and Practice of Application in International Companies.
Also, students were able to listen to the speech of a brilliant researcher from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the most famous researcher of emotional intelligence in our country, Elena  Sergienko. Thanks to this scientist the Russian-language version of the test by J. Mayer, P. Salovey and D. Caruso "Emotional Intelligence" appeared (MSCEIT.V. 2.0). Elena Alekseevna presented a report on the results of the study of the intensity of emotional intelligence in the Russian sample.
In addition, the presentations in the conference were made by psychologists who deal with various aspects of emotional intelligence from Italy, Britain, Switzerland, Russia.
The conference became the first in Russia permanent innovation platform for the exchange of experience, advanced business technologies, new educational, infrastructural and emotional-intellectual solutions of the international level.
And this platform was formed within the walls of our beloved university and thanks to our master programme.