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It is necessary to start from the clents task in consulting

Regular consultant skills workshop was devoted to  express diagnostics, which are successfully used in business consulting. Alexander Alexeyrovich Krymov, PhD, practicing manager, business consultant, business coach, shared his knowledge.

The business consultant should be able to “offhand” assess the psychological type of the client in order to build his strategy and tactics in accordance with this.
 Of the many existing tools for express psychodiagnostics, according to Alexander Krymov, the most convenient and practical one is the typology of individual manager styles proposed by I. Adizes. This typology allows:
- Identify the causes of customer problems related to the discrepancy between the styles of managers and the stage of development of the company;
- Convincingly convey their findings to the client;
- To build a strategy and tactics for the processes of consulting and coaching, taking into account the personal characteristics of the client;
- Find a common language with the client;
- Make recommendations on the formation of the management team;
- Help the client to adjust their behavior in business communications and management decisions.
At the master class, students of the program analyzed video materials, analyzed case studies from the author’s experience, solved practically problems.As a result of the master class, the participants mastered the method of quickly assessing the partner's style in terms of speech characteristics and behavioral characteristics, and also determined their own style.