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"Changes motivate me even more ... " " Many thanks to the master programme Psychology in business for such a rich conference! "

Following the results of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Psychology: Theory and Practice" November 16-19, 2017.

The conference originally idea was to become the most important stimulus for the professional development of the students of the master's programme Psychology in Business, their inclusion in the community of business psychologists. In addition, it was important to gather like-minded people and partners around the emerging trend of business psychology.
Therefore, it is interesting to know what students themselves think about the conference, how it influenced their understanding of business psychology and their own professional plans. Students were interested in both scientific reports and workshops.

Irina Goncharova, a second year student of the programme, shared her impressions:"The conference program was divided into two large blocks: theoretical and practical. In the first two days, Tahir Bazarov, Mikhail Ivanov, Peter Vlasov, Vasily Klyucharev and many others speakers shared their experience and theoretical approaches. And, of course, it was very interesting to listen to the guests from Canada and Iran. In addition, on the second day of the conference there were a lot of interesting reports that were divided into parallel sessions "Personality in business. Coaching in Business "and" Business Psychology of the Market and Organization ". Due to the specifics of my work, I chose sections about personality. I want to say many thanks to colleagues for very interesting studies and opinions. Most of all, I liked the different approaches to coaching and the study of poly-professionals, people whose career develops in different directions simultaneously.Two days of practical block flew in one go! Development of scenarios for strategic sessions, analysis of business psychology from the point of view of value-semantic measurements, collective intelligence, team coaching ... and this is only a small part of the technologies that were presented at the conference. It was very useful and informative, many of the techniques I took immediately to my knowledge bank.I want to express my gratitude to my programme Psychology of Business and all teachers for organizing such an event, the opportunity to be involved in it and for the confidence that I now have.
Even at the last conference, I could not think that in just one year I would  get such a feeling of fullness and identityI to open my own business, to . But all this happened, and now the changes motivate me even more! "

Dmitry Golovin, second year students highlighted the most interesting reports and master classes for him:
"I really enjoyed the performance of T. Bazarov. Indeed, it is very important to remember and not exclude the fact that we constantly have to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Also, I was very interested in learning about the use of neurotechnologies in business today from the presentation of V. Klyucharev. Especially I was impressed by Stephen Armstrong's presentation, since his approach to counseling is completely practice-oriented, which for me is very interesting and valuable. In addition, I enjoyed the reports on the sessions. Especially I liked the report by of S. Seraya. I really liked the workshops. It is very difficult to single out any specific of them, since each one presented a lot of techniques and elements that you can use in practice. I liked it very much and it was interesting to participate in Christopher Benton's master class, to observe his work. I learned a lot of new things about myself, thanks to the methodology presented by him. Also I can not fail to mention about the master class of T. Nestik. This is really a very valuable experience and knowledge, I was so impressed that I had already agreed to conduct (or, more accurately, experience) a short strategic session in the company where I used to work. Many thanks to the Psychology in Business programme for such a rich and interesting conference! "