
European Forum Alpbach 2020
From the “Reception” to the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) Booth in the “Lounge” on Hopin, a student of the Population and Development programme, Goodnews Israel Oshiogbele, had a great maiden experience at the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) 2020 which held virtually from August 23rd to September 3rd, 2020.

Oxfam Workshop on Violence against Women
On October 3rd and 4th Zorica Skakun, a gender coordinator for Oxfam GB in Yemen who provides support and leadership to ensure women's rights, presented two workshops on various aspects of violence against women for students of the programme "Population and Development".

HSE Winter School 2018
Winter school 2018 of Faculty of Social Sciences was held at the ‘Voronovo’ Learning Centre from January 22 to January 26, 2018. Representatives of the “Population and Development” held a special session dedicated to the sustainable development.

Martin McKee gave a lecture for students of the programme
On Tuesday, November 7th instead of 100 Anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution celebration the students of the Programme got a chance to listen to a lecture by Martin McKee. The lecture was devoted to achieving the health sustainable development goals. Dr. Martin McKee is professor of European Public Health at London Schools of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)