
Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World
Our student, Vazgen Khansanamyan, took a part in the educational expedition of the international volunteer program "Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World" for the 7th time. This time he traveled to Kyrgyzstan from November 24 to December 2. The expedition was organized by the Pushkin Institute and the Kyrgyz Economic University.

European Youth Forum General Assembly
Our student, Vera Syrokvash, attended the European Youth Forum General Assembly, which was held November 22-24 at the European Youth Capital-2019 Novi Sad, Serbia.
"Demographic Review"
Demographic Review" is a scientific peer-reviewed open-accessed journal, published quarterly in Russian and once a year in English. We consider the establishment of our journal an important event in the life of our professional community, as well as of the entire community of social scientists. The thematic research range is quite broad: demographic processes themselves and the bordering interaction areas of demography and other branches of social knowledge (economic, social, medical, historical, mathematical demography, population geography, etc.).We expect to see the papers of researchers from different Russian and foreign scientific centers on the pages of the "Demographic Review". We want to make a good journal and this can only be done together.We also hope to find an interested reader who cares about the demographic problems of the country and the world. We hope, dear readers, for your response and fruitful dialogue with you.

Vladimir Kozlov: The Immigrant Discrimination Issue Could Get Solved
"Vladimir Kozlov is a graduate of Lomonosov (Moscow State University). He has finished both his undergraduate and doctoral degrees there. He currently teaches demography studies as an Associate Professor for the Masters program at the HSE’s Public Policy Department. I have come to know him since my doctoral studies involve the study of demography." Wanda Umagapi