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Stephen G. Wheatcroft gave a lecture for the students

On October 9 Stephen G. Wheatcroft who is professor of the School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne gave a lecture for the students from Population and Development programme. His research interests include Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet social, economic and demographic history, as well as famine and food supply problems in modern world history.

Within the lecture Professor Wheatcroft observed Famines and War as disrupters of constant economic growth with special reference to famines in and after WW1 and WW2,  and in the USSR, 1927-33 and in China 1957-61. One of the purposes of the lectures was the introduction of a bit of historical reality into the economic models that we normally use to describe economic development (using Russian historical events as the main case-study).

More in details one can follow the works by Professor Wheatcroft following the links:


