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Oxfam Final Workshop

Set of OxFam lectures and workshops within the course "Humanitarian Actions" leading by Sanjay Rajhans is approaching the logical end. The main goal of the course is to introduce the studemts of MA programmes "Population and Development" and "Political Analysis and Public Policy" with the legal mechanism of protecting the human in the most vulnerable situations and also equip the students with the knowledge and applied skills about the human rights studies in the distressed/conflict zones.

Oxfam Final Workshop


The final seminar takes place December 3 and is devoted to social protection in the humanitarian sphere. The invited speaker is Larissa Pelham, Oxfam’s social protection adviser, based in its Global Humanitarian Team, supporting country offices with design and implementation of social protection and leading the confederation’s social protection strategy in Oxfam’s humanitarian programs. She has worked on social protection for a number of NGOs, think tanks and multilateral organizations over the last fifteen years, for half of this, in a humanitarian capacity.