Tag "discussions"

A master class of the "Population and Development" program
On the 15th of February from 19.00-21.00 a master class of the program "Population and Development" of the A.G. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography will be held on the topic: "Fertility: historical changes and methods of calculating the main demographic indicators."

Students at the Annual International Conference "Carpe Scientiam: Reaching ESG Goals in the Time of Global Changes"
On November 29, 2023, students from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Research University (Higher School of Economics) participated in the annual international conference "Carpe Scientiam; reaching ESG goals in the time of global changes", organized by the Higher School of State Audit Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The results of the master class of Kuznetsov Kirill Vladimirovich “Data sources for the study of economic behavior of households”
Last Tuesday, on the basis of the educational program “Population and Development”, Kuznetsov Kirill, an employee of the A.G. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, held a master class “Data sources for the study of economic behavior of households”. You can read more on the results of the event here.

Inequality and Social Cholesterol: How to Find Balance in Society
What are the outcomes of growing inequality? How much inequality is there in Russian healthcare and education? What does Russian society think about inequality? (Spoiler: that it’s excessively high and unfair.) These questions and many others were discussed by Russian and French researchers at the conference ‘Socio-economic Inequality and Poverty in the Modern World: Measures, Dynamics, and Prospects in an Age of Uncertainty’.