Tag " computer science"

HSE Is One of the Top Universities That Offers Programmes in English
HSE Faculty of Computer Science offers eight Master’s programmes, including four programmes taught entirely in English. Samia Nasrin, from Data Science Master’s programme, and Usama Albaghdady, from Master’s in System and Software Engineering, talk about choosing HSE University, admissions process, their studies and future plans.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science Team Wins Bronze at ICPC World Finals 2019
On April 4, 2019, the world finals of ICPC, an annual student team competition and the main event in competitive programming, took place.
HSE Gears up for Staff and Student Conference: A Look Back at the Faculty of Computer Science
On March 20, a conference for HSE staff and students will take place at HSE. It will consider the university’s development programme and elect the new Academic Council. The previous conference took place five years ago, in 2014, and the university has changed a lot since then. HSE News Service talked with some of the university leaders about how their own work at the University has changed over this period.
From Chaotic Dynamics to Process Mining
Sergey Shershakov is 2012 graduate of the HSE master’s programme in System and Software Engineering, lecturer of a course in Data Algorithms and Structures, a researcher at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab), and participant of the Young Faculty Support Programme in the Category ‘New Researchers’. Sergey told us what Process Mining is, how to keep your knowledge up-to-date without working in the industry, and why HSE graduates don’t have to ‘forget everything they’ve been taught’.