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Illustration for news: ANR-Lab`s Summer School on the foundations of network analysis

ANR-Lab`s Summer School on the foundations of network analysis

On July 24-28, 2017, International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held the Eighth International Summer School «Theory and Methods of Network Analysis» (TMSA(II)-2017) on the foundations of network analysis.

Illustration for news: ANR-Lab`s Summer School on network data clustering with the professors from the University of Ljubljana

ANR-Lab`s Summer School on network data clustering with the professors from the University of Ljubljana

On June 19-24, 2017, International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held the Seventh International Summer School «Theory and Methods of Network Analysis» (TMSA-2017) on methods and applications of network data clustering.

Illustration for news: Hockey, teams & networks: beyond individual skills

Hockey, teams & networks: beyond individual skills

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research invites you to join our online-seminar "Hockey, teams & networks: beyond individual skills" which will be held on April 24 at 7:00 p.m. Moscow time.

Modelling the Impact of Mass Protests of 2010s on Political Change

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research invites you to join our online-seminar which will be held on April 17 at 7:00 p.m. Moscow time. Dmitry Zaytsev and Margarita Erofeeva will present their project “Modelling the Impact of Mass Protests of 2010s on Political Change”.

Illustration for news: Dota Science: When Data Science Meets Dota 2

Dota Science: When Data Science Meets Dota 2

Join our second online-seminar on April 3 at 7pm. Alexander Semenov talks about machine learning algorithms performance in predicting game outcomes in Dota 2.

Webinar about our new Master's program 'Applied Statistics with Network Analysis'

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research invites you to join our webinar which will be held February 21 at 6:00 p.m. Moscow time.

HSE Student Analyses Social Network to Find Runaway Brother

It is a fairly common story for families – a runaway teenager leaves a note saying ‘I’m not coming back, and don’t try looking for me’ and turns off their cell phone. In a recent case, however, a sister was able to find her brother by using the knowledge she acquired as a student in HSE’s Applied Mathematics and Information Science programme. Her story shows what social networks can say about its users to someone who knows how to listen.

Illustration for news: The Laboratory opens the House

The Laboratory opens the House

On the 9th of December the Laboratory has held the Open House, which was also devoted to the new Master`s Programme "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis"

Our Research Assistant starts studying at PhD program in Northwestern University

ANR-Lab's Research Assistant Igor Zakhlebin starts this year studying Technology and Social Behavior in Northwestern University, Chikago, USA

Illustration for news: Winter School of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Winter School of the Faculty of Social Sciences

On January 31st – February 3rd 2016, the Winter School of the Faculty of Social Sciences was held at the ‘Voronovo’ Learning Centre, HSE. During the event, potential master’s students took part in master classes, business cases and meetings with students and graduates of the faculty’s educational programmes.