Applied Social Psychology goes to Tilburg University with a partner visit
On November 28th - December 2nd the delegation of MSc Applied Social Psychology visited Tilburg University (the Netherlands). The purpose of the trip was to extend the Double Degree agreement and to promote the program in the Netherlands.
The delegation consisted of the coordinators for the program and the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research - Ekaterina Bushina, Dmitrii Dubrov and Bogdan Chuprikov. On the first day of the trip the guests met the researchers and lecturers at the Department of Social Psychology of Tilburg University. After that the delegation had the opportunity to present HSE and Applied Social Psychology program to psychology students of the final bachelor year, and also to meet potential applicants. In the following days, there were informal meetings with colleagues from TiU and students of Applied Social Psychology, who are currently in Tilburg for their second degree. HSE representatives visited the Department's lunch-colloquium (a semi-formal research presentation that allows the audience to grab a snack), where the employee of the Dutch Financial Department presented a recent study on the social psychological consequences of tax evasion. The delegation was also invited to a scientific seminar, where the whole Department discussed the project of a PhD study and exchanged recommendations.
Following the meeting with colleagues at TiU (Olga Stavrova, Marcel Zeelenberg and Ilja van Beest), the agreement on the Double Degree program was extended for the next four years. At the end of the visit, the delegation met with the representatives of TiU’s International Office and discussed the details of student and teaching mobility within the Erasmus+ program.