Congratulations to our graduates on the successful defense of the master theses and the award of a master's degree!
6 июня завершились защиты студентов программы Прикладная социальная психология. Мы поздравляем наших выпускников с успешной защитой выпускных квалификационных работ и желаем им успехов в их дальнейшей деятельности. Хочется поблагодарить всех студентов за интересные и интригующие работы. Темы их диссертаций были довольно разнообразными и содержали новые исследовательские идеи и подходы.
On 5-6 June 2023 students of the Applied social psychology Master’s program in HSE defended their theses in front of the HSE committee and successfully graduated.
We congratulate our graduates on the successful defense of their master theses and wish them nothing but greater heights in their endeavors to come.
We would like to congratulate all the students for their interesting and intriguing work. Their thesis’ topics were quite diverse and had new study ideas and approaches. For example, Albina Gallyamova studied “Personal Political Engagement in Russia: The Role of System Justification, Pluralistic Ignorance, and Perceived Community Culture”, Ghenwa Gharibah presented his thesis «The Power of Words: The Effect of Supportive Communication on Refugees’Acculturation and Wellbeing», Fatykhova Ralina shared the results of her study « Relationship between Job-Education Mismatch and Individual and Organizational Outcomes in Public Sector ».
Several papers have addressed issues related to psychological well-being in different cultural context: Nana Attiah wrote her thesis on “Help-seeking for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression in Ghana: Implications of Self-compassion and Self-efficacy”. Sabboh Matthew studied “Relationship of Perceived Stress, Hopelesness and Self-Esteem with Attitude Towards Suicide among People in Nigeria”.
All the presentations inspired questions and discussions. And the following points for further research emerged in the process.
After the defense, everyone was in good spirits. Chief Academic Supervisor Alexander Tatarko praised the creative approaches in the students' research. We sincerely hope to meet again and to continue working together. Best wishes for continued success!