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Tag "students"

Internship experience at OECD: think-tank with its global purpose to build "better policies for better lives"

Maria Zamyatina:I learnt about the internship through our Master’s program website and immediately became interested. OECD is a well-known ‘think-tank’. It is an international organization with a goal to build ‘better policies for better lives’. Being a unique center for knowledge creation and share of best-practices, the organization works to establish norms and find evidence-based solutions to a range of socio-economic and environmental challenges the humanity is currently facing. I was greatly inspired by the immense work the Organisation does to create and share knowledge throughout the societies, and I wanted to be part of it.

Illustration for news: "Companies compete for getting smartest minds, especially among students from the best universities like TU Berlin."

"Companies compete for getting smartest minds, especially among students from the best universities like TU Berlin."

Most of those travelling to Berlin do not like the city, because there is not so much architectural heritage or historical attractions besides Reichstag and the Wall. After living there for a year there is the feeling that Berlin is not about sightseeing but about the vibe, feeling of freedom and cosmopolitanism, street art and techno music.

Illustration for news: A year in Germany at Double Degree Programme: "Test yourself"

A year in Germany at Double Degree Programme: "Test yourself"

We spent about 10 months in Germany, the first two semesters of the Double Degree Master's Program of the Higher School of Economics and the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB). We would like to tell you about the program and about our first year in Berlin in particular.  Our education is dedicated to innovation studies. We learn to conduct research of the infrastructure of innovation, economic policy and business support measures, technology development, technology management in large and small companies and high-tech entrepreneurship. The program in Berlin is called Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, the program in Moscow is Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation. The programs of partner universities successfully complement each other, but there are more reasons to choose the Double Degree apart from coordinating study plans.

ISSEK students in the search of the responds to the administration requests

Master’s Programme Students of HSE ISSEK “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” for 10 weeks from January to March were doing their internships at Moscow Agency of Innovations. During the internship four students found several best technological solutions for optimizing the city transport, power grids, healthcare and other systems.

Illustration for news: Essay Competition Among Second-Year Master Students

Essay Competition Among Second-Year Master Students

In terms of the Research Seminar course, two guest scholars gave an academic speech to the second-year Master students of the “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” programme. Prof. Jeong Dong Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) devoted his presentation to capability transition failure from implementation capability and concept design capability as a source of middle income trap. Prof. Liu Youfa (Shanghai Institute of International Studies, China) discussed relations between China and Russia through the prism of One Belt One Road Initiative. Seven groups of students wrote a group academic essay related to one of these topics. Three essays were awarded  "Best Academic Essay" certificates and online publication.

Illustration for news: Second-Year Students Anastasia Narkhova and Dmitry Plekhanov: About ‘Learning–by–Living’ Approach During Their Summer Internship at OECD

Second-Year Students Anastasia Narkhova and Dmitry Plekhanov: About ‘Learning–by–Living’ Approach During Their Summer Internship at OECD

Second-year Master students took an internship in OECD in summer 2016 and shared their experience about the country where Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac were born.

Tudor Rickards: about creativity, leadership and president Trump

On 7 and 14 November, 2016, the ISSEK second-year Master’s students had a chance to walk across  a “creative bridge” between Moscow and the UK: to attend online lectures by one of the world’s creativity leaders – Tudor Rickards – Emeritus Professor of Creativity and Organizational Change at the Alliance Manchester Business School, Alex Osborn Visiting Professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, the author of numerous books and articles on creativity, and the co-founder of the academic journal “Creativity and Innovation Management”. The online lectures took place within the course “Managing Creativity and Innovation” by Dr. Mikhail Gershman.

Illustration for news: The phrase "if you cannot measure it – you cannot manage it" has become one of our key phrases at Seoul National University

The phrase "if you cannot measure it – you cannot manage it" has become one of our key phrases at Seoul National University

The second year students Alena Protasova and Elena Kyzyngasheva shared their experience of studying in the exchange programme at Seoul Nationa lUniversity.

Illustration for news: STI policies in OECD Countries and Transition Countries

STI policies in OECD Countries and Transition Countries

On April 28, 2016, professor Giorgio Sirilli, Research Director at the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth of National Research Council (IRCrES), gave the lecture to the first year students of the Master’s Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” on the role of science and technology in society, the impact of science and technology in crisis times and the issue of evaluation at universities.

Illustration for news: Test Your Knowledge in Governance of Science and Technology with Innovators' Club

Test Your Knowledge in Governance of Science and Technology with Innovators' Club

The wide-spread idea to implement evidence-based innovation policy was taken up by the students of the Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”. Having invited professors and their colleagues to discuss the most acute issues in governance of science and technology, students organized debates at the Innovators’ club to test their knowledge acquired during their studying at HSE.