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ISSEK opens competition for 15 sponsored tickets for Forum and Technology Show “Open Innovations 2015”!

Upon the students’ requests, ISSEK invites for 1st and 2nd year Master Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” students to a competition – the winners will get an opportunity to attend Forum’s business programme and Technology Show exhibition for free.

About the event:

Forum and Technology Show “Open Innovations 2015”  will take place on October 28th - November 1st. It is one of the largest is one of the largest events in Russia which focuses on future technologies in the modern human society, economy and everyday life. The main topic for discussions is Humanity in the Center of the Technological Revolution. The programme is focused on five specific spheres of the human life, dramatically changing under the impact of technologies – productivity, habitat, education, health and entertainment (each day is devoted to one particular sphere).

About the competition:

Imagine that you were invited to take part in the Forum and you can write a thesis/essay in any of the given spheres. For example, for the sphere “Productivity” an essay topic can be as followed: "Will robots replace people in production/medicine/ any other sphere to be chosen?" In order to answer this question, it is recommended to study materials on production technologies expansion (for example, the results of published series Foresight 2030 or monitoring of global technology trends (available in Russian)).

To sum up, essays should be based on findings and results of ISSEK research fellows’ scientific publications, such as analytical reports, scientific monographs, statistics digests, academic articles, pre-prints. At least one reference to scientific publications should be given.


Essay requirements:

  • 2-3 print pages (4000 - 5000 printed characters including spaces);
  • written in English;
  • The contents should:
  • describe an issue;
  • state why the issue is important);
  • cover and develop the main thesis (for example, robots will never replace people);
  • provide clear consistent argumentation (for example, the review of main tendencies and factors based on ISSEK publications and some other sources);
  • have a conclusion which could arouse a certain interest among the Forum participants;
  •  include references.


Assessment and selection procedure:

15 free tickets will be distributed among 1st and 2nd year students whose essays will suit all the above requirements best in the assessment by ISSEK selection committee). The selection committee reserves the right to distribute a smaller number of tickets as well as a larger number depending on the quality of submitted essays. The essays should be sent to the programme coordinator Anna Rodionova at arodionova@hse.ru by October 18th.