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Illustration for news: The School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution by the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Damian Blasi

The School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution by the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Damian Blasi

From February 4 to March 20, the School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution. The course was read by Damian Blasi, the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, an author and co-author of works on fundamental problems in creole linguistics, linguistic symbolism and the history of linguistic diversity. In his lectures Damian Blasi considered both the main aspects of the theory of the language evolution, as well as more narrow topics, such as the structure of animal communication systems and their differences from human language, the time of the speech appearance in humans, biological and genetic foundations of language ability, multilingualism, and models of linguistic evolution. 

Illustration for news: 'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'

David Gil, a researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, talks about his parciticpation in TyLex summer school organised by HSE linguists. 

Illustration for news: «Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»

TyLex — 2017 summer school on typology and lexicon gathered participants from al across the world. Shihong Zhou, a researcher at Beijing Normal University, shared his impression of the event in a short interview with the organizers of TyLex.

Illustration for news: 'HSE students are not content with knowing things — they immediately want to solve linguistic problems'

'HSE students are not content with knowing things — they immediately want to solve linguistic problems'

Guglielmo Cinque is a professor of linguistics at the University of Venice and one of the most well-known European generativists. Recently he paid a week-long visit the HSE School of linguistics, and now shares his impressions of our students and staff, as well as of this year's weather in Moscow.

Illustration for news: "Students at HSE have a good sense of linguistic diversity"

"Students at HSE have a good sense of linguistic diversity"

Yale postdoc Kevin Tang recently gave a talk at HSE on his research in experimental phonology. We talked to Kevin about his conversion from an engineer to a linguist and asked him how he liked the feedback he received from HSE students.

Illustration for news: School of linguistics launches an online course on typology

School of linguistics launches an online course on typology

The course is authored and run by the head of the school, prof. Ekaterina Rakhilina.

Illustration for news: "The linguistics program at HSE is very strong"

"The linguistics program at HSE is very strong"

Dirk Geeraerts, a professor at the University of Leuven, talks about the advantages of linguistiс training at the Higher School of Econimics, the high level of interaction demonstrated by the students at the School of Linguistics, and the potential upcoming convergence of fundamental and applied linguistic research.