Participation of the master's program "International trade policy" in the WTO annual Public Forum 2018
Academic head and students of the “International trade policy” educational program took part in the WTO Public Forum 2018.
The annual WTO public forum “Trade 2030” took place in Geneva from 2 to 4 October, 2018.
Academic head of the program, professor, Zuev V. N. participated in the forum on October 4. A member of the academic board of the program, Director of the Institute of Trade Policy of HSE, Professor A. V. Daniltsev became the moderator of a special session of the Higher School of Economics on issues of digitalization of trade policy.
In addition, the forum was attended by 2nd year students Annenkov G. and Orlov D., this year studying in the framework of academic mobility at the World Trade Institute (Bern), which is a partner of the "International Trade Policy" master’s program.