
Academic appendix

A Demin, N Demina

Institutional reorganizations of the state procurement system in Russia

2008. No. 1. P. 2–22 [issue contents]
The aim of this article is the study of state procurement system in Russia and its specific features by means of theoretical and economic analysis.
The authors suggest adjusting the method of choosing the optimal way to place procurements. This should be done taking into account the specifics of the purchased products and the possibility or impossibility to estimate the quality of the goods. Using the tools of institutional theory, the authors managed to identify the transactional expenses and reveal the contradictions in the organizational and economic mechanisms of placing the state procurement. Consequently, the system of measures has been developed to neutralize their impact on the state sector of Russian economy and its further development.
Citation: Demin A A, Demina N K (2008) Institutsional'nye preobrazovaniya sistemy razmeshcheniya gosudarstvennogo zakaza v Rossii [Institutional reorganizations of the state procurement system in Russia] Academic appendix, 1, pp. 2-22 (in Russian)
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