
Academic appendix

Y Syrovatko

The purchase risks, the technologies of eliminating their causes and risks distribution

2009. No. 2. P. 28–33 [issue contents]
The author suggests a number of ideas for customers on how to insure themselves against numerous risks that tend to appear due to negligent conduct of suppliers. Besides that, the article answers such question as: how do the risks appear, how to deal with them in the most effective way and how should the risk distribution be organized between all the participants of bidding while the process of purchase is in progress.
Citation: Syrovatko Y I (2009) Riski zakupochnogo protsessa, tekhnologii ustraneniya prichin, raspredelenie riskov [The purchase risks, the technologies of eliminating their causes and risks distribution] Academic appendix, 2, pp. 28-33 (in Russian)
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