Academic appendix |
M Yudkevich, S PivovarovaClassification of goods and the choice of the optimal procedure in the state procurement system
No. 4.
P. 2–10
[issue contents]
M.M. Yudkevich, the Head of the SU-HSE Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, and S.G. Pivovarova, junior research fellow of the SU-HSE Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, raise in their article the issue concerning the problem of choice by the customers of the procedure of procurement while placing their orders for the realization of different categories of their necessities with regard to the current field of legislative norms in the sphere of RF state procurement regulation.
Assuming that the implementation of the classification of purchased goods cannot influence such outer factors to the nature of the good as efficiency of the judicial system, peculiarities of budgetary legislation or reputational mechanisms efficiency, the authors suggest using as a basis of classification the different peculiarities of qualitative characteristics of the goods. As a base of the classification of the purchased goods they suggest to divide the goods to inspection, experimental and trust.
Yudkevich M M, Pivovarova S G (2010) Klassifikatsiya blag i vybor optimal'noy protsedury v sisteme gosudarstvennykh zakupok [Classification of goods and the choice of the optimal procedure in the state procurement system] Academic appendix, 4, pp. 2-10 (in Russian)