
Academic appendix

L Kokareva

Electronic methods of implementing the state procurement in EU countries. The practice of running the electronic auctions in Great Britain

2010. No. 5. P. 2–16 [issue contents]

L.M. Kokareva, Regional Manager (Russia), Crown Agents (Great Britain)

The article is focused on the specifics of implementing the state procurements in the EU countries and provides a detailed analysis of how the electronic auctions are organized in Great Britain, as well as of their advantages and benefits. The author also shares the concrete examples from the everyday practice and tells about the typical mistakes and the ways to avoid them in future.

Citation: Kokareva L M (2010) Elektronnye metody osushchestvleniya goszakupok v stranakh Evrosoyuza. Praktika provedeniya elektronnykh auktsionov Velikobritanii [Electronic methods of implementing the state procurement in EU countries. The practice of running the electronic auctions in Great Britain] Academic appendix, 5, pp. 2-16 (in Russian)
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