
Academic appendix

A Yakovlev, O Demidova, O Balayeva

Different ways of procurements in Russia and their characteristics: empiric analysis based on microdata

2011. No. 6. P. 2–14 [issue contents]
A.A. Yakovlev – the Pro-rector of Higher School of Economics, the Head of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies of Higher School of Economics,
O.A. Demidova – the Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics of Higher School of Economics, Senior Staff Scientist of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies of Higher School of Economics,
O.N. Balayeva – Vice Dean on the HR-issues of the Department of Management of Higher School of Economics, associate professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management, Senior Staff Scientist of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies of Higher School of Economics.

The authors focus on such subject as the efficiency of the purchase procedures. In the following article there has been analyzed the data of the purchases in just one big state-financed organization. This data included the information regarding approximately two thousand contracts of this organization covering the period from 2008 till 2010 on the total sum of more than 6,4 billion rubles. The analysis of the considerable data array of this organization which covers a long period of time allows to reveal certain tendencies such as reducing the prices while bidding or problems that appear at the stage of contracts fulfillment. At the same time this analysis helps to demonstrate the possibilities of the similar approaches while applying them to the data that is being collected (but currently almost not analyzed) by the state structures.
Citation: Yakovlev A A, Demidova O A, Balayeva O N (2011) Sposoby zakupok v Rossii i ikh kharakteristiki: empiricheskiy analiz na mikrodannykh [Different ways of procurements in Russia and their characteristics: empiric analysis based on microdata] Academic appendix, 6, pp. 2-14 (in Russian)
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