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2018-2019: Public engagement in science, technology, and innovation

As part of the study in innovative behavior of population results include systematization and review of the existing theoretical approaches to the study of public attitudes towards science, technology and innovation, including those based on the analysis of international studies in science and society interactions. Due to the rise of digitalization of everyday life, together with the increasing interest of mass media to the topic of innovative development, most individuals today do realize the positive influence of innovations on social and economic development of the country. The interest to innovative products has also intensified. The Monitoring demonstrates that public involvement in issues related to the progress of science, technology and innovation is mostly a result of socialization and an important element of the modern lifestyle. To develop the theoretical foundations for the analysis of the innovative behavior of population, it is suggested to focus on social attitudes of various social groups towards science, technology and innovation as well as engagement of individual in generation and dissemination of innovation. The results of this study allow empirical verification of concepts used to describe integration of the population into innovative activity.


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